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12/30/13 10:08 PM

#938 RE: nycusa12 #937

company is wrapping up what should be a record quarter and year for both revenues and earnings.

Wall Street really needs/wants to see EECP/equipment side contribute more to both top and bottom line. the trend the last three quarters has been very positive for EECP and if that continues in 4Q13 and continues the exponential increase - we may finally see a sustainable breakout and real, long term price increase.

the $100MM question is whether or not they get a special consideration with CMS. seems like a no brainer with the wealth of third party peer review and trial results since original PEECH results. all of the major detractions negating major change in angina and CHF coverage after PEECH have been definitively answered and put to bed. this warrants that consideration and a massive change in line with the recent EU change in coverage/status.