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12/27/13 8:08 PM

#60799 RE: Medinaminer #60797

I have no idea if Roberto actually said those things to you or if you've even spoken with him. I'm not saying it didn't happen, just that I (we) have no way of corroborating a second-hand conversation between he and you. However, taking your comments at face value, his statements are either fundamentally incorrect, illegal or unprofessional if he does in fact represent the company in an official capacity:

1) An IR person, in theory, should have no foreknowledge of who the JV partner is as that would be privileged and confidential information between the JV partner and the principals of MDMN and/or Medinah Minerals Chile. If he was made privy to that information, he would certainly be under a confidentiality agreement and if so, his response to you would be a breach of such.

2) To date, the idea of Volcan being the JV partner has only been a speculative guess on shareholders' part. Anyone speaking about Volcan in absolute terms is taking an uninformed leap of faith, IMO, even though I am of the belief that they are involved.

3) The only working mine shafts on the property are at Las Dos Marias which only involves Compania Minera Las Dos Marias (CMLDM) and Medinah Minerals Chile. It is likely and probable that hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent at LDM, but not by Volcan or any other company other than CMLDM. CMLDM has been required by the Chilean Mining authority to rehab the LDM tunnels accordingly, particularly for safety reasons. This has been reported by the company in the past. So either Roberto or you are mixing up what was communicated because the statement as you've written it is factually incorrect. I have no idea where the misinterpretation occurred, but it is obvious to me that it has occured.

4) Any responsible IR professional would not provide forward-looking statements such as "by the end of the week we would all be pleasantly surprised."