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02/02/06 1:10 PM

#7962 RE: d4diddy #7960


The funniest thing I have ever read:

"It's hard to believe that when a hospital gets a new patient in, they will have to send a sample to CDEX to get a signature. Not only will they have to pay extra for it, they have to wait at least a week to get the ValiMed updated. It makes no sense!!!"


02/02/06 2:21 PM

#7970 RE: d4diddy #7960

DIDDY there are lots of medicines, especially OTC, that have multiple active ingredients. In pill, capsule, liquid and powder form. Not to mention skin stickers form.

The BAXA FAQ does not specifically address checking such a (mixture, compound, admixture, whatever is preferred) except in the case of a TPN, but it makes it clear, as you dig through the meanings, that a separate signature is required for all of them and even different strengths of the same medicine.

Evidently, they all flourese differently, thus "signature" differently. Or maybe they wanta sell a heap of signatures.
I do not know.

All I did was carefully read the FAQ, and conclude from what was written, compared to the many claims of CDEX and the posts of "fans", speculating applications...and of CAP and Pookie/Paige posting perceived problems that are "out there'..

The BAXA FAQ is far from complete, but it has to be truthful so far as it goes. Their customers will drop them fast if they catch them being overly evasive or overly puffing a product..