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04/26/03 6:57 AM

#23100 RE: 0nceinalifetime #23099

made-up simple example via a simple question

re: (from your post, what you said)
"First, I didn't steal the list,
I am list member and it was e-mailed to me."

The simple question: What is a "list member" ?

Is it a member of a list, where member is the target of a "To:" ?

seems so,
The made-up simple example:

From: gotmilk
To: BobZ
To: MattB
To: Secret Milk Friend
To: HotB
Subject: That Susie has blonde belly button hairs :o)

So based on your way of thinking, you received two items.
1. The subject information.
2. The mailing list.
Lets see if you can understand the word "intent."
Seems you think "Subject: That Susie has..."
did not delineate the purpose (aka intent) of the e-mail,
but that each e-mail you receive containing To:(s)
is an implied "Subject: Please receive these To:(s) as "subject matter."

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04/26/03 8:33 AM

#23101 RE: 0nceinalifetime #23099

Every website you visit has access to your ISP's IP address,

Not true! You obviously aren't very savvy in that area.
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04/26/03 10:12 AM

#23103 RE: 0nceinalifetime #23099

Onceinalifetime, it may surprise you but you DO serve a useful purpose: You demonstrate, for all of us, the value of Matt's administration of this site. Who among us has not thanked our lucky stars that we have Matt to handle clowns like you. Who among us has not marvelled at his tolerance and patience.

It is a sad reality of the internet that there are people, like you, who are so wrapped up in themselves that they have no sense of the rights of others. You are so outrageous you appropriate the work others performed in good faith, use it for your own benefit, and then claim you have the "right" to do so. As a human, you wouldn't make a good snake.

Probably the most interesting (and funny) thing that clods like you spew is the attribution of Hitlerian qualities to others. I think it's hilarious that, if you do a search of iHub for the people who've likened Matt to Hitler, you'd compile a list of trashy people so alike that your couldn't distinguish between them. Most of them are gone, thank goodness. Perhaps you'll soon be gone, too.


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04/26/03 11:52 AM

#23104 RE: 0nceinalifetime #23099

No comments on the rest of what I said?

Be a man. Destroy the list. Apologize. And never do it again.
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04/26/03 5:07 PM

#23150 RE: 0nceinalifetime #23099

Oh my, I just have to ramble here a bit after reading the posts.

Once, you posted....
" Even if I had done something wrong, which I haven't"

As I see it, no matter what the contents of the email was, or what your reasons were, it was not the right thing to do to use the email addresses at all. You probably innocently (without thinking) took advantage or ? of someones' mistake.

Why you cannot see it was wrong is hard for me to understand. The majority of the folks here say it was wrong, Matt (the owner of IHUB) says it was wrong. Morals? Integrity? Character? Ethics? Ones values?

Can you not see also how you are making yourself look bad by trying to defend your actions. I think you feel bad about it really and emotions have come into play.

Even if you just sent the words "Good Morning" in your emails, the act of using others' email addresses when they did not give YOU their email address to begin with is just not done.

It is hard to apologize in the position that you are in now after you have thrown out your defensive position, but I think that if you do, you just might earn back the respect that you might be losing in this battle with Matt and other respected posters.

I am sure that Jim is feeling badly about the whole incident and after all these posts on the subject he has to be feeling even worse than he did before. I know I feel badly as do many others, especially those on the email list who gave their email address to Jim exclusively. Do the feelings of these posters etc. not mean anything to you? Don't you want to be thought of well by others'? Posts reveal a lot about people, especially those of us who lurk more than post.

I think you do owe an apology first to Jim, and then to whomever you have offended.

As I have gone through my journey of life, more than 60 years now, I have always admired a person who could stand up and admit they were wrong.

Enough ramblings for now as I have to go make a pot roast and some banana creme pie for my company.

The best to you whatever you choose to do as you are the only one who will be left to deal with the consequences of your choices.

Post to be respected and missed when you no longer post....
I made it up from "Live to be respected and die to be regretted."