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01/25/14 7:57 PM

#217273 RE: fuagf #215683

First woman to lead Central African Republic faces daunting task

Catherine Samba-Panza speaks to members of the National Transitional Council after being elected interim president of the Central African Republic on Monday. Samba-Panza, a French-educated businesswoman, has been serving as mayor of the country's capital, Bangui. (Eric Feferberg / AFP/Getty Images / January 20, 2014)

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By Robyn Dixon
January 20, 2014, 12:56 p.m.

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Lawmakers in the Central African Republic on Monday elected the country's first female leader, Catherine Samba-Panza, as interim president to take on the daunting job of halting sectarian killings, stabilizing a paralyzed country and ushering in elections.

Samba-Panza, a French-educated businesswoman who has been serving as mayor of the country's capital, Bangui, emerged ahead of seven other candidates, including the sons of two former presidents, after a speech pledging to reconcile the country's divisions, restore security and rebuild the collapsed state.

The political change, coupled with pledges Monday from the European Union .. .. to send 1,000 extra soldiers and nearly $500 million in aid, offered the country its best hope in months at overcoming the chaos and violence that have prevailed since the ousting of former President Francois Bozize .. .. by rebels last March.

Samba-Panza's election follows the resignation of former rebel leader Michel Djotodia as interim president 10 days ago. As head of the largely Muslim Seleka rebels, he seized power to become the first Muslim president in a country whose population is 85% Christian. He disbanded the Seleka rebels but failed to stop lootings, killings and sectarian violence between ex-Seleka forces and largely Christian militias and vigilantes known as the anti-balaka forces.

Samba-Panza, a Christian, was appointed by Djotodia as Bangui mayor last year. In a hopeful sign, her election as interim president was welcomed by a spokesman for the anti-balaka forces, Reuters reported. Anti-balaka forces had earlier threatened violence over the vote.

Peter Bouckaert, director of emergencies at Human Rights Watch .. , said Samba-Panza's election is "a step in the right direction," calling her a courageous voice for reconciliation and peace. He called for those who have committed crimes against humanity to be held accountable, including leaders of the anti-balaka forces, many of whom are vigilante groups outside any formal chain of command.

In comments on Twitter .. , Bouckaert said Samba-Panza's first message to both sides should be to stop the killings and to issue a warning that those who had committed atrocities would face justice.

This past weekend saw a new surge of violence, particularly in the northwest of the country, where dozens were killed, according to humanitarian agencies.

International Committee of the Red Cross .. .. staff visited communities in the region between Friday and Sunday, when 60 people were buried, a spokeswoman for the ICRC Bangui office, Nadia Dibsy, said in a phone interview Monday.

"There's a lot of violence taking place between communities, particularly in the northwest. We are extremely concerned about the fact that the population is generally without protection," she said. "It's a very difficult situation, and it's important for us to insist on the fact that such violence must end."

The deputy head of the U.N.'s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Bangui, Amy Martin, said by phone that the recent surge of violence mainly involved anti-balaka fighters taking revenge on Muslim communities, whom they blame for the earlier suffering they endured at the hands of the Seleka rebels.

"We have had clashes between ex-Seleka and anti-balaka as well as the targeting of Muslim people. This past weekend we have seen clashes which left many people dead, people displaced, or taking revenge," Martin said.

"We have different types of violence happening, and it's hard to predict where the next attack will happen," she added. "The country is in economic paralysis, the country is in political paralysis, as well as this state of insecurity."

Some 1,000 people died in violence last month and more than 900,000 people -- 20% of the 4.5 million population -- have fled their homes, nearly half a million of them sheltering in the capital. Thousands of others are hiding in the forests in rural areas.

Many Muslims desperate to flee the country to escape revenge attacks after Djotodia's resignation have been attacked on the roads and killed, according to humanitarian agencies and media reports.

More than 4,000 African forces and 1,600 French troops are currently deployed in the Central African Republic but have been unable to protect sections of the population, particularly in volatile rural areas far from the capital. EU foreign ministers agreed Monday to send an extra 1,000 troops to help stabilize the country.

The EU also agreed at a separate humanitarian meeting in Brussels Monday to send nearly $500 million to help stabilize the Central African Republic and address pressing humanitarian needs, according to Kristalina Georgieva, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response.

"Central Africans are enduring a major humanitarian tragedy and their suffering is truly appalling," she said in a statement. "The international humanitarian community assembled in Brussels today is determined to reinforce assistance and provide urgently needed aid to the most vulnerable," she said in the statement.

U.N. Emergency Relief Coordinator Valeria Amos said in a statement that the crisis was one of the world body's most pressing emergencies, with agencies delivering help as fast as security conditions allow.

"I am deeply disturbed by the impact of the crisis on ordinary people in CAR. The brutality, violence and sectarian nature of the crisis concerns us all," Amos said.

With thousands of farmers in hiding, unable to buy seeds or plant crops, fears are growing that the humanitarian crisis could worsen in coming months. The World Food Program announced Monday that it was running out of food to assist displaced people. Thirty-eight of its trucks are marooned at the Cameroon border because of fighting in the Central African Republic. It was considering airlifting food into the country.

"The impact on food supplies to the capital and the rest of the country is disastrous. [World Food Program] cereal stocks are close to being exhausted," the statement said.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, told a session of the U.N. Human Rights Council that Seleka rebels, anti-balaka forces, Muslim and Christian civilians had all committed atrocities. She said that when French forces disarmed ex-Seleka rebels, it appeared to have left Muslim communities vulnerable to revenge attacks.

She said a U.N. human rights mission sent last month to investigate abuses found evidence of "targeted killings, shooting at displacement sites, summary executions, mutilation and enforced disappearances."

She added: "The mission received consistent, credible testimony and photographs supporting allegations that anti-balaka mutilated Muslim men, women and children, before or after they were killed, including upon the breasts of female victims and genitals of male victims. Bodies were found at the Ali Babolo mosque with limbs cut off."

She said there were documented cases of sexual violence, including rape and sexual slavery, by both sides, but mostly by ex-Seleka.

"The security situation remains highly volatile," she said, "with upsurges of sectarian violence and an increase in opportunistic criminality. The humanitarian situation continues to be a major concern."


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01/28/21 3:02 AM

#363949 RE: fuagf #215683

Outside Powers Are Making the Conflict in the Central African Republic Worse

2013 - "Neighboring Crises In South Sudan, Central African Republic


As Reuters writes .. , "waves of massacres and reprisals by Muslim and Christian militias have killed hundreds [in the Central African Republic] since rebels seized power in March, waking the world up to the fact that it might be witnessing the prelude to another Rwanda, where 800,000 were hacked, shot or clubbed to death in 100 days."

Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is in the Central African Republic. She's trying to deliver "a real difficult message," NPR's Michele Kelemen .. , who is traveling with the ambassador, said on Morning Edition .. .

Power's message, Michele said, is that "mob violence is quick, but real justice takes time." She's trying to convince activists on both sides not to resort to more violence.

Power is also bringing news of U.S. aid: $100 million to help the French military bring African peacekeepers to the country; and $15 million in humanitarian aid.

Welcome back Samantha. That was 2013. Hoping for better results this time around.

Proxy wars pitting France and Chad against Russia and Rwanda threaten to destabilize the entire region while subjecting Central Africans to more violence and instability.

By John A. Lechner, Alexandra Lamarche | January 22, 2021, 3:11 PM

Soldiers with the United Nations stabilization mission in Central African Republic patrol in PK12 district, south of downtown Bangui, Central African Republic, on Jan. 13.

BANGUI, Central African Republic—Citizens of the Central African Republic (CAR) went to the polls on Dec. 27 to select their next president and legislature. But even after the announcement of preliminary results in the early evening of Jan. 4—President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, the incumbent, secured a second mandate with 53 percent of the vote .. —an enduring sense of vulnerability continues to permeate the country, culminating in numerous attacks from armed groups on key cities including the capital, Bangui.

Just days before the elections, CAR’s constitutional court invalidated former President François Bozizé’s candidacy, leading to the sudden emergence of a rebel alliance that quickly captured towns near Bangui. The military response from Russia and Rwanda on behalf of the Central African government rapidly internationalized the conflict, while the G5—composed of the African Union, United Nations, European Union, United States, and France—finds itself in an awkward position, championing elections that many believe were neither safe nor fair. Touadéra has declared war on the rebel alliance, but many question whether his government represents all Central Africans, and if it has the ability or willingness to take on armed groups.

As a result, the conflict in CAR has become increasingly geopolitical—with France and Chad on one side, and Russia and Rwanda on the other. These actors will only intensify a crisis of overmilitarization in a region suffering from the effects of climate change, instability, lack of good governance, and displacement.

Indeed, the geopolitical stakes, and political division in Bangui, have already exacerbated a dire humanitarian crisis. With the security situation deteriorating rapidly, the international community must now focus on providing Central Africans with desperately needed aid and supplying peacekeeping operations with the funds they need to protect citizens.


Tensions had been mounting between Touadéra and his former boss-turned-rival, Bozizé,

[INSERT: A quick glance suggests Bozizé has instigated repeated turmoil in C.A.R. Over years .. .]

since the latter’s contentious return
.. .. from exile in late 2019. In 2013, a Muslim-majority rebel alliance, Séléka, ousted .. .. Bozizé’s largely Christian-dominated government. Before Bozizé fled, he and his government mobilized .. .. predominantly Christian self-defense groups—known as anti-Balaka—to arm and resist Séléka’s advance. The result was a brutal civil war, followed by a “stalemate peace;” Bangui signed the latest version with 14 rebel groups in 2019, the Khartoum Agreement .. . Warlords became advisors to the government, and, despite the parties’ “rejection of violence,” attacks .. .. against civilians continued.

In July 2020, Bozizé .. .. announced his intention to run for president again—despite an international warrant .. .. for his arrest.

But on Dec. 3, CAR’s Constitutional Court ruled against .. .. Bozizé’s candidacy. In response, Bozizé called for the opposition bloc .. —known by the French acronym COD—to put forward one candidate against Touadéra. Then on Dec.19, six rebel .. .. groups—3R, the MPC, UPC, FPRC, and two anti-Balaka militias—announced a new alliance, known by the French acronym CPC, and launched attacks .. .. on security forces. The next day, the opposition bloc, which includes Bozizé’s party, called for a delay to elections, citing the violence.

The government and the U.N. have linked Bozizé .. .. to the armed groups. Indeed, Bozizé has a close relationship .. .. with the two anti-Balaka leaders, Maxime Mokom and Patrice-Edouard Ngaissona, as well as MPC’s Chadian head, Mahamat al Khatim. Bozizé met .. .. both Al Khatim and Mokom prior to the alliance’s announcement.

The current rebel coalition affirms an important fact in the continuing
conflict: “Political and economic power struggles” often trump identity.

The current rebel coalition affirms an important fact in the continuing conflict: “Political and economic power struggles .. ” often trump identity. The CPC, for example, includes 3R—a group founded .. .. to “protect Muslims” from anti-Balaka—as well as anti-Balaka responsible .. .. for war crimes against Central African Muslims. Many fought against each other in 2013; there is no guarantee that this alliance will last.

The international community was caught off-guard as news of town after town falling to armed groups spread. Russia, Rwanda, and the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) acted quickly. Within days, Russia sent .. .. to Bangui 300 “military advisors,” then more troops and helicopters .. ; Rwanda deployed hundreds of troops .. .. not “constrained” by U.N. rules of engagement; and MINUSCA received reinforcements, including 300 .. .. Rwandan blue helmets stationed in South Sudan.

The result: Most towns were back in government hands. MINUSCA recaptured the town of Bambari, losing three peacekeepers .. .. in the process. The country’s armed forces (FACA)—with the support of the Russian private mercenary company, Wagner Group, and Rwanda—retook .. .. Mbaiki, Boali, and Bossembélé.

[Putin Moves to Heighten Russia’s Role After Suleimani Killing
While a conventional Russian military presence in Iraq would be unlikely, some Russian analysts interviewed by Foreign Policy speculated that mercenaries from Russia’s Wagner Group, a shadowy private military contractor that has waged war on behalf of the Kremlin and for profit in Syria, Ukraine, and in parts of Africa, could appear in Iraq in the wake of a U.S. withdrawal. The future role of U.S. troops in Iraq remains up in the air currently, as the Pentagon rushed to deny reports .. .. on Monday that it was withdrawing troops from the country after an unsigned letter from Brig. Gen. William Seely, the commander of the U.S. task force in Iraq, saying that the Pentagon would respect the decision to the Iraqi parliament calling for U.S. troops to leave.
INSERT: How Russia Meddles Abroad for Profit: Cash, Trolls and a Cult Leader]


Despite these security issues, the G5 and the government in Bangui pursued a strategy of “elections at all costs .. .” As a result, the Dec. 27 vote was on schedule, but it was not safe. Electoral convoys were attacked .. ; in some towns armed groups destroyed .. .. .. ballot boxes. In 29 of CAR’s 71 sub-prefectures, no voting .. .. took place; six sub-prefectures held only a partial vote.

Still, in many areas Central Africans turned out in surprisingly high numbers to voice their exasperation with armed groups and Bozizé’s attempted coup.


Increased fighting in CAR leads to more displacement and humanitarian crises. At present, more than 2.8 million .. .. Central Africans—out of the country’s 4.9 million population—need humanitarian assistance. Recent election violence has forced close to 120,000 .. .. to flee their homes—half of which have sought refuge in neighboring countries. Now ordinary citizens find themselves in even greater danger as the delicate balance of power shifts among local politicians, international actors, and armed groups.

Bozizé has been the primary catalyst for this shift.

Since coming to power in 2016, Touadéra has failed to expand state authority much beyond the capital. For Gervais Lakasso, a prominent civil-society leader, “Touadéra doesn’t have support in the provinces. They like opposition candidate Martin Ziguélé because he wants to fight the armed groups.”

But the most recent attacks have shown that the FACA is weak and ill-equipped. Gervais adds, “It’s clear that Russian training did not do much. FACA fled immediately.” Perhaps hundreds .. .. deserted in the current fighting. For many in Bangui, this was a shock; it seemed that FACA was becoming a professional force, capable of retaking the country.

Maka Gbossokotto—a CAR newspaper editor—was not surprised: “Three months of training [the standard] is not enough, they aren’t prepared to go to the front.” Viola Giuliano, of the Center for Civilians in Conflict, explains “there are two defense forces. The first is the presidential guard, which has privileged access to equipment and means. The second, ‘normal’ FACA, is deployed outside Bangui in deplorable conditions. No fuel for patrol. Salaries not paid for months and rotations are often delayed.”

It’s clear that proxy wars are a major
source of instability in CAR.

And while Russia, Rwanda, and MINUSCA have beefed up their presence, the conflict has long been an international one. It’s clear that proxy wars are a major source .. .. of instability in CAR. French and Chadian networks support Bozizé and armed groups such as the FPRC, 3R, and MPC; Russian networks back the increasingly corrupt .. .. Touadéra government.

Africa is an important destination for Russia’s defense industry, as Moscow supplies 49 percent .. .. of the world’s arms exports to the continent (Algeria and Egypt represent a significant portion of that number). CAR provides Russia the chance to project great power status to both African markets and geopolitical rivals. Most importantly, however, Moscow can achieve this on the cheap. Private military contractors like Wagner Group—funded through local mineral concessions .. —plant a Russian flag in Africa; Bangui, in turn, receives hands-on assistance for its armed forces that no other country is willing to provide.

France’s economic and political interests in the region reflect a long-standing and deeply unpopular history of colonialism, followed by post-colonial military interventions.

Thierry Vircoulon, an expert at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), argues that France and Russia are locked in a proxy war, “but the stakes are not CAR. This war of influence in CAR is part of the bigger picture of Russo-French relations since the crisis in Ukraine.” While other countries may represent more important strategic interests—such as Libya, Syria, or Ukraine—Moscow’s presence in CAR is a cost-effective means to undermine France’s perceived influence over its former colonies.

On a regional level, outside intervention may represent the interests of powerful government officials, but not governments themselves. For example, Chadian involvement in the conflict, according to Gervais, surrounds elites’ investment in cattle.

This is not to say that the conflict in CAR is just a proxy war. At a local level, politicians seek international support for their own individual aims. Touadéra made a political decision .. .. when he “surrendered a great part of [CAR’s] sovereignty to pro-Kremlin security emissaries.” But this is nothing new. CAR’s aging politicians—the same faces have been around for decades—have a tradition of outsourcing the security of their politically weak regimes to outsiders.

All participants—from powerful international organizations to ordinary citizens—are now walking a tight-rope.

The G5, according to Thierry, “supported a mockery of an election, and appeared to side with Toudéra. They didn’t say anything when the government decided to withdraw electoral rights for 600,000 (mostly Muslim) refugees” that fled into surrounding countries since the outbreak of the civil war.

In fact, many locals now view Russia, Rwanda, and MINUSCA as partisan supporters of Touadéra. Bozizé, in turn, has little standing following his attempted coup. Viola put it simply: “The fact that he turned to armed groups to undermine the elections suggests that he doesn’t have sufficient support among civilians to mobilize popular uprisings.”

A second round may have been a chance to legitimize a flawed first round. But Touadéra won with just over 53 percent .. .. of the vote, in an election in which 40 percent of the country’s regions could not participate. Add to this the opposition’s claims .. .. of fraud, and many Central Africans believe, as Gervais notes, “that this was an electoral masquerade, in which the goal was to reelect Touadéra in the first round.”

France’s economic and political interests in the region reflect a long-standing and deeply unpopular
history of colonialism, followed by post-colonial military interventions.

The results still show, though, that in areas that did vote Touadéra has plenty of supporters. It appears the G5 will accept .. .. the results, which the constitutional court confirmed .. .. on Jan. 18. Nine opposition leaders, however, have jointly asked for the elections to be annulled.

As CAR enters another crisis, one thing is clear: Elections are not a panacea. Touadéra has promised .. .. war against the armed groups. Bangassou, a town in CAR’s southeast, fell .. .. to Bozizé’s CPC for two weeks. On Jan. 2, security services repelled attacks on Damara .. , Touadéra’s hometown, only an hour’s drive from Bangui. Between Jan. 7 and 9, rebels were pushed back as they advanced on Bouar—a key market town along CAR’s main trade route to Cameroon.

Finally, on Jan. 13 rebel groups stormed the capital. National forces and U.N. peacekeepers successfully repelled rebel advances—losing one Rwandan peacekeeper .. .. in the effort. But threats still loom as armed factions remain stationed along the outskirts of Bangui.

Armed groups’ attempts to take over Bangui and other towns have terrified civilians, disrupted trade routes, and limited humanitarian access to those in need. They are worsening an already critical humanitarian crisis. An international response, therefore, should prioritize Central African civilians first.

First, concerned governments and donors must address the country’s humanitarian needs; CAR received only 65 percent .. .. of its funding needs in 2020, and 51 percent of its COVID-19 related funding needs.

The second priority must be reform. After so many failed attempts at peace, the reality remains that territorial integrity is crucial for CAR’s stability. But FACA’s recent performance shows that they cannot guarantee that integrity on their own and that the international community should continue to push for security sector reform, not simply more arms or troops.

Like other fragile countries, CAR’s government, and its international allies, have failed to fund and enact a comprehensive response in good faith; one that would improve governance, strengthen the FACA across the country, quell armed violence, and protect Central Africans.

CAR is much more than a “security vacuum” in the region; in fact, many of the sources of the country’s instability come from beyond its borders. But the increasingly international nature of the conflict, and the focus on military solutions, will continue to overshadow the socioeconomic roots of CAR’s insecurity. Unfortunately, half-funded programs, and half-hearted reforms will only to result in half-baked solutions that lead to more instability, displacement, and death.

Read More

The U.N. Can’t Bring Peace to the Central African Republic
But it can help solve local conflicts. Here’s how.
Argument | Robert Muggah

Peace Is the Best Investment

U.N. member states must renew their commitment to the vital peacekeeping operations that end wars, protect civilians, and save lives.
Argument | António Guterres

John A. Lechner is a graduate student at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. Twitter: @JohnLechner1

Alexandra Lamarche is Refugees International’s Senior Advocate for West and Central Africa,
where her work focuses on conflict and displacement crises. Twitter: @AlyLamb