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12/24/13 4:26 AM

#6404 RE: risk on #6397

So it comes to eventualy two things in my humble opinion.

Iff you are not interested in this stock you shouldnt be here :P

Iff you are interested in this stock you should be here :P

So know it comes to the basic understanding of the 'interested in' part .....

You dont have to believe in this or whatever company to invest imo

I am in because i believe the SP will go at one point to the roof again like so many other times.
And most here also believe that i think thats why we are here ...

And on the other hand i really love the tech they state to be in.
To verify it is another story i agree lol

But.... iff the things stated by the press releases comes into (partial) reality well i dont wanna be left without any ammount of shares in this.

SO its not a difficult investment decision for me .. its logical for me not to be without shares.

But only invest iff you can lose all of youre investment money with a smile and you like to take some risk.

This company is one big question mark but the possibe gains could be enormous!

You know the movie Troy?

'DECIDE' lol i am in with a real low ammount of shares so iff you are smart dont take any word of this posting lol
But maybe just maybe.... well.... again ..'DECIDE'