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12/22/13 11:00 AM

#67787 RE: rayovac812 #67781

" I talked to Ben on Friday, so I hear what Ben has to say too."

bens main function is to keep shareholders happy..kims needs happy shareholders..he needs them to stay invested and buying...bens job is NOT to provide you with real info...


12/22/13 12:20 PM

#67790 RE: rayovac812 #67781

Hello Rayovac.

I'm glad that you alluded to sources outside of both Ben and Kim,as you are not alone,when it comes to gathering info elsewhere,from reputable sources.

Though we may not share the same sources,sometimes it's a matter of asking Kim and/or Ben the right questions(with respect to further elaboration from public info).

Until I get the sense that either Kim or Ben are trying to mislead me,I will state that I trust them.

They've been more than up front and respectable to me;I stand by my statement.

I won't apologize for putting out information from conversations that I take notes on,for accuracy's sake. My intent is genuine.

Of course,it would be opportune to have Ben post certain info but the situation is what it is presently.

KBLB....more than just a ticker symbol.

We Can and We Will.

Take Care and God Bless....God Bless Us All.
