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12/20/13 8:40 PM

#245908 RE: elbiatcho1 #245906

I talk to the C class professionals of every company I invest in. that is not inside information; just getting conformation on what is made public.
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12/20/13 8:46 PM

#245909 RE: elbiatcho1 #245906

If you ever talk to a C class professional you will find out quick they will not give you inside information but they will confirm what is public information.
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12/21/13 8:18 AM

#245922 RE: elbiatcho1 #245906

elbiatcho1.. you da "Bomb".. providing solid advice for "Free" to somebody who, at least on the surface, appears to be yet another "BBDA Insider" exploiting other retail BBDA shareholders for considerable financial gains..

It is my most sincere hope that the SEC has been sent e-mails with many of the same links for this "BBDA Inside Investment Group"..
What really catches one's attention is the exclusivity of this group and things like "I'll let the group know what I hear each and every time I speak with Brian Weber"... Brian Weber doesn't seem to me, to be intelligent enough to know what he "Can and Can't say" to his, John Langston's Group to be certain that legal proceedings regarding said activities with specified group, may not be forthcoming!!! ;-)