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12/19/13 3:34 PM

#253238 RE: BJ_Cooper #253236

Heddle will end up with all the scrap when JBI goes under.

I suppose if that happens, then the $3M guess could arguably be the winner.

Though I would argue that it wouldn't represent an actual sale of a processor to paying customer.


12/19/13 3:37 PM

#253240 RE: BJ_Cooper #253236

BJ it'd be naive to state a processor's worth is scrap metal only. The processor is processing plastic to spec or near spec fuel which is impressive.

JB is misleading shareholders into thinking they have something that will make them and us a ton of money in fuel sales. The writing on the wall is its a pyrolysis machine that makes spec or near spec fuel and it may have value to help with the world's plastic problem but I don't believe its a money maker for those that buy it to process plastic. JBI's recent decision to run premo purchased plastic and JBI's admission to not be able to process plastic with liquids continues to prove out my claim.

As information dribbles out I believe we'll learn that JBI's results will be on or around what others have done with pyrolysis but JBI will be making spec or near spec fuel. We'll then finally realize we've been had and they're liars but liars with something tangible that can technically be sold but not sold to make huge amounts of money on fuel sales as promised when many of us invested in JBI.

JB deserves a kidney shot or more for his deception throughout but whats being made isn't valueless. I long to find out what the price per barrel works out to be if not the claimed $10 per barrel.