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12/19/13 1:51 AM

#215315 RE: F6 #215314

Bill O'Reilly Freaks Out About Denver Post Pot Editor

Posted: 12/10/2013 8:14 am EST

"This is promoting the use of an intoxicant by the Denver Post!!! Why don't you just set it up like, 'here's a bar in Denver where you can get the cheapest chasers and the most gin for your money'?!?!"

--Bill O'Reilly [ (next below, as embedded)] on the Denver Post's new pot critic [ ], probably not aware that bars are reviewed all the time.

(h/t Mediaite [ ])

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with comments]


Woman's Christian Temperance Union Targeting Marijuana
12/08/13 [with embedded video report, and comments]


The war on Christmas centralizes

[ (the item titled "Fox's Favorite Right-Wing Legal Group Applauds India's Ban On Gay Sex", above)]

Published on Dec 13, 2013 by FFRForg [ ; ; ]

Fox News
Bill O'Reilly
December 2, 2013 [with comments]


O'Reilly: War On Christmas Is Part Of "Secular Progressives'" Desire For "Unfettered Abortion" And Gay Marriage

December 4, 2013 8:44 PM EST

From the December 4 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

[video embedded]


O'Reilly Agrees With Guest That The "War On Christmas" Has To Do With "Abortion And The Gay Rights Agenda"

O'Reilly Praises Anti-Gay Group In His Fake War On Christmas

Bill O'Reilly Promises To Hype War On Christmas "Once Again This Year"

© 2013 Media Matters for America [with comments]


Bill O'Reilly: Santa Is White

By Andrew Hart
Posted: 12/16/2013 10:14 pm EST | Updated: 12/17/2013 11:17 am EST

Fanning the controversy that has been batted around cable news this holiday season, Bill O’Reilly agreed with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly that Santa Claus is, in fact, white.

Citing the "historical truth" of Santa, O’Reilly concluded "Ms. Kelly is correct. Santa was a white person."

O'Reilly then asked "Does that matter? No, that doesn't matter. The 'Spirit Of Santa' transcends all racial boundaries."

Last week, Kelly said "Santa is just white [ ; (next below)],"
in response to a Slate article by Aisha Harris [ ] on how having a "white Santa" can be confusing for non-whites.

The "Santa Debate" became the butt of many jokes [ ], a returning topic for newscasts [ ], and the latest front in "The War On Christmas [ ]." Critics argue that the entire controversy is nonsensical, a scholar telling Politico [ ] "Santa doesn’t exist - but don’t tell my three kids."

O’Reilly sent the debate back to the other end of the political spectrum, saying that the whole "white Santa" controversy was an attempt by the far left to "demonize Fox News."

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with embedded video report including a portion of O'Really's remarks in the YouTube above, and comments]; [with comments], also at [with comment] [source (with comments)]


Jon Stewart Hits Back At Megyn Kelly's 'White Santa' Defense

By Ross Luippold
Posted: 12/17/2013 9:50 am EST | Updated: 12/17/2013 9:50 am EST

Jon Stewart spoke for plenty last week with his response [ ; (next below), also at (source , original segments and )]
to Megyn Kelly's assertion that Santa and Jesus are and were white men. And when she tried to explain that her critics were "humorless" [ (next below) (at/see {linked in} and preceding and following)]
by missing out on her supposed comedic banter, Stewart doubled down on his criticism.

He saw no comedy, but instead "what appeared to me to be another example of a Fox News segment expressing anger and victimization over the loss of absolute power and reframing that as persecution of Real America by minorities, freeloaders and socialists."

Copyright © 2013, Inc. [with Hulu version ( ) of the segment embedded (original segment ), and comments; the above YouTube of the segment at (with comments)]


Bill O'Reilly: It's Not a Traditional America Anymore

Published on Nov 6, 2012 by jim hoft

Bill O'Relly offered this analysis of the 2016 election tonight before the votes were even counted in any of the swing states. O'Reilly says, "It's not a traditional America anymore. People want stuff. They want things. And who is going to give them things? President Obama. He knows it and he ran on it. Whereby twenty years ago President Obama would be roundly defeated by an establishment candidate like Mitt Romney. The white establishment is now the minority. The voters, many of them, feel like the economic system is stacked against them. And they want stuff. You're going to see a tremendous Hispanic vote for President Obama. Overwhelming black vote for President Obama. And women will probably break President Obama's way. People feel they are entitled to things. And which candidate between the two is going to give them things?" [with comments]


That Time The House Of Representatives Actually Had A Vote About The 'War On Christmas'

The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree is seen outside the West Front of the United States Capitol in Washington on Dec. 9, 2013.
(Photo by Basri Sahin/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

By Arthur Delaney and Sam Stein
Posted: 12/17/2013 4:58 pm EST

WASHINGTON -- In 2005 the House of Representatives struck a mighty blow against those insidious secular busybodies when lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to affirm the right of Americans to enjoy the trappings of Christmas.

A resolution by Rep. Jo Ann Davis (R-Va.) stated [ ] that the House "strongly disapproves of attempts to ban references to Christmas" and supports Christmas symbols and traditions.

"Christmas has been declared politically incorrect," Davis lamented that December on the House floor, pointing to retailers with "Season's Greetings" signs instead of Christmas ones. "America's favorite holiday is being twisted being recognition. The push towards a neutered 'holiday' season is stronger than ever so that no one can be even the slightest bit offended."

In the end, few stuck up for the "neutered holiday season." Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) mocked the resolution with a riff on "The Night Before Christmas." "We will pretend Christmas is under attack, hold a vote to save it, then pat ourselves on the back," Dingell said. "'Silent Night,' 'First Noel,' 'Away in the Manger' -- wake up, Congress, they're in no danger."

Then-Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.) pointed out that many more people had died in the Iraq War than in the War on Christmas.

But the Davis measure passed overwhelmingly, 401-22, before the Senate ignored it.

It was the apex of the so-called War On Christmas -- the politi-cultural, made-for-cable-news back-and-forth that commences every holiday season, including the current one. The best 2013 has come up with so far is a book by former half-term Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and the declaration by Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee (D) [ ] that the ceremonial tree in the State House would be a "Christmas Tree."

That the "war" has de-escalated so much since that 2005 vote suggests the political culture has more or less moved on. At its peak, it was a dominant seasonal thread that ensnared, encouraged and frustrated Republicans, Democrats and future presidential candidates alike.

The War on Christmas -- whose history is well documented, most notably in 2005 by Salon's Michelle Goldberg [ ]--
was first waged, ironically, by Puritans who considered the merrymaking to be a pagan tradition. The Puritans in the Massachusetts Bay Colony actually canceled Christmas in the 17th Century.

"From 1659 to 1681, anyone caught celebrating Christmas in the colony would be fined five shillings," Rachel N. Schnepper of Washington and Lee University wrote in The New York Times last year [ ] on the seventh anniversary of the Davis resolution.

"So the next time someone maintains that they are defending traditional American values by denouncing the War on Christmas," Schnepper wrote, "remind them of our 17th-century Puritan forefathers who refused to condone any celebration or even observance of the holiday."

The latest skirmish in the war, however, took place primarily during the '00s. According to a Lexis-Nexis search, the first mention of a "War on Christmas" or "War Against Christmas" came in 2001, when conservative columnist Michael Medved warned that "busy bureaucrats across the country can find nothing better to do with their time than make war on Christmas."

It was a rabbi, of all people, who gave the concept a big, early boost. Writing for Human Events [ ] in 2002, Rabbi Aryeh Spero pledged his appreciation for the Christian holiday while warning that the civil liberties group ACLU had waged a "war against Christmas."

"I remember writing that piece, and that was at a time when I think it was the beginning of department stores notifying their employees that they shouldn't say 'Merry Christmas' because it was offensive to people, but should rather say 'Happy Holidays.' I thought that was rather trite," Spero told HuffPost recently. "A lot of people who do shop in December are doing it because it is Christmas. Why not wish them Happy Christmas? People wish me 'Happy Chanukah,' I don't find it offensive ... I thought it was important coming from a Jewish person, especially a rabbi, to say that."

Soon enough, the war was in its "shock and awe" phase. Conservative commentator John Gibson wrote the book The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday is Worse Than You Thought [ ], which was promoted heavily on Fox News. (Spero said that Gibson called him for input on the book.) The network's mainstay, Bill O'Reilly, pushed [and, obviously, continues to push] the cause relentlessly, too.

"All over the country, Christmas is taking flak," O'Reilly said in his earliest episode devoted to the issue, in 2004. "In Denver this past weekend, no religious floats were permitted in the holiday parade there. In New York City, Mayor [Michael] Bloomberg unveiled the 'holiday tree,' and no Christian Christmas symbols are allowed in the public schools. Federated Department Stores -- that's Macy's -- have done away with the Christmas greeting 'Merry Christmas.'"

Rival cable outlets tried to counter-balance the coverage by portraying the concept as a political ploy designed to boost sales and ratings. But few politicians wanted their Christmas bonafides questioned. House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) suggested that the U.S. Capitol architect use the label "Christmas Tree" rather than "Holiday Tree" for that year's festivities. Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) sent out a press statement touting her willingness to stand up "to the grinches trying to steal Christmas."

"It is tragic that many individuals and institutions are trying to secularize Christmas into an overly-commercialized and generic holiday that represents nothing at all," the Foxx said.

Rep. Tom Delay (R-Texas) decried a political culture that "all but treats Christianity like some second-rate superstition."

Democrats weren't content to sit on the sidelines. At the time of the resolution vote, they gathered before the Capitol Christmas tree to push for a hike of the minimum wage.

"Democrats believe that Congress should act on the true meaning of Christmas -- hope, generosity and goodwill toward others," said Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). "Unfortunately, our Republican friends seem to have forgotten the meaning of Christmas."

By 2006, the fever hadn't worn off. That year, a young senator named Barack Obama angered liberals by explaining how he thought religion played an important role in the public square [ ]. His comments, critics argued, gave credence to the idea that Democrats were somehow hostile to the holiday and religious people.

Seven years and two presidential elections later, the fever seems to have faded, and the passion of those who fought the early battles has diminished.

"I think it is better today," said Spero. "I think people are not as uptight. If you say 'Merry Christmas,' that's fine. I just wish people would be a little less uptight about this. A nativity scene is not offensive. It won't destroy our Constitution."

Copyright © 2013, Inc. (emphasis in original) [with comments]


Arizona Woman Gets Punched for Saying ‘Happy Holidays’ Instead of ‘Merry Christmas’

[photo via screengrab]

by Josh Feldman | 5:50 pm, December 17th, 2013

There might not be a War on Christmas™, but there’s at least a brawl or two. Case in point, one Salvation Army volunteer was ringing a bell outside an Arizona Walmart and said, “Happy holidays!” As a result, one woman did what any good Christian would do: punch her in the arm.

Kristina Vindiola told KNXV [ ] that she was minding her business, ringing a bell, and wishing people happy holidays, when a woman nearby decided to confront her and that’s when the sh*t went down. She explained, “She came up to me and she said, ‘Do you believe in God?’… She said, ‘You’re supposed to say Merry Christmas,’ and that’s when she hit me.”

Because as the saying goes, committing acts of physical aggression truly is the reason for the season.

Watch the video below, via KNXV [non-YouTube video embedded; same as (next below)]:

[h/t Raw Story [ ]]

© 2013 Mediaite, LLC [with comments]


In War On Christmas Segment, Tucker Carlson Warns Not Believing In A Power Higher Than Government Leads To "Killing A Ton Of People"

December 14, 2013 3:07 PM EST

From the December 14 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends Saturday:

[video embedded]

© 2013 Media Matters for America [with comments]


Austin-based pastor killed in Libya

Photo from Smith's Twitter account

By: YNN Staff
Updated 12/05/2013 02:57 PM

An Austin-based pastor and graduate of the University of Texas was shot and killed by unknown assailants as he was exercising Thursday in Benghazi, Libya.

According security official Ibrahim al-Sharaa, 33-year-old Ronnie Smith was jogging near the U.S. Consulate, where the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed by Islamic militants in September 2012, when he was attacked.

The security official said the 33-year-old taught chemistry at the city's International School, a Libyan-owned institute that follows an American curriculum.

Smith had previously worked as a teaching pastor at Austin Stone Community Church. While working at the church, he provided spiritual mentoring to students at the University of Texas, according to a member of the church’s missionary network. How long he worked at the local church is still unclear.

“Before moving to Benghazi, Ronnie was a member of the church staff at the Austin Stone. Ronnie, his wife Anita, and his son are dearly loved by our church family,” church spokesman Dave Barrett said. “Ronnie loved Libya and was dedicated to his students to help them aspire to their dreams. Ronnie’s greatest desire was for peace and prosperity in Libya and for the people of Libya to have the joy of knowing God through Christ.”

Smith was one of four people killed in Benghazi Thursday and whose bodies were taken to the Al-Galaa hospital, showing the dangers of a city that is home to numerous armed groups resisting the central government's authority. The other three killed were military personnel.

Early Thursday afternoon, the University of Texas released a statement on Smith's death, saying, "The university community is shocked and saddened by the death of Ronnie Smith in Benghazi. Ronnie was a proud Texas Ex who earned a master's degree in chemistry at The University of Texas at Austin in 2006. He was an enthusiastic and outgoing student. His death is a tragedy for the campus and our nation."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2013 TWEAN d/b/a Your News Now (YNN) Austin


Austin church honors life of teacher killed in Benghazi

by JADE MINGUS / KVUE NEWS and Photojournalist J.P. HARRINGTON
Posted on December 9, 2013 at 7:36 AM
Updated Monday, Dec 9 at 11:02 AM

AUSTIN -- Sunday was an emotional day at Austin Stone Community Church as the congregation reflected on the life of Ronnie Smith, a former staff member who died while living overseas in Benghazi, Libya.

Smith moved there with his wife, Anita, and their young son to teach chemistry at the International School of Benghazi and make a difference in the lives of students. He graduated from the University of Texas with a masters degree in chemistry.

"People at the Austin Stone missed him from the day he left and knew he was following a dream and a passion," said Dave Barrett, executive pastor of operations at Austin Stone.

Barrett said Smith overcame any fear of living in a dangerous place because he was so passionate about education.

"Everyone who sat under his teaching were moved, and instructed, and inspired by what he had to say," said Barrett.

At service Sunday, Austin Stone played video from a sermon Smith gave in November 2010. In it he taught various scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will no longer be any death and no longer be any mourning, crying or pain," said Smith during the sermon, quoting from Revelation.

Austin Stone Community Church is supporting Smith's wife and son financially. If you want to help, you can make a donation here or purchase a book Smith was part of called, "The History of Redemption." All of the proceeds benefit his family.


Teacher from Austin killed in Benghazi

Libyan officials: American chemistry teacher shot to death while jogging in Benghazi

Students in Libya say slain teacher from Austin inspired them

© 2013 KVUE Television, Inc., a subsidiary of Belo Corp.


Syrian Government In Negotiations To Free Kidnapped Nuns As Christians Become Target

12/14/13 [with comments]


Atheists face death in 13 countries, global discrimination: study

By Robert Evans
Mon Dec 9, 2013 7:16pm EST

GENEVA (Reuters) - In 13 countries around the world, all of them Muslim, people who openly espouse atheism or reject the official state religion of Islam face execution under the law, according to a detailed study issued on Tuesday.

And beyond the Islamic nations, even some of the West's apparently most democratic governments at best discriminate against citizens who have no belief in a god and at worst can jail them for offences dubbed blasphemy, it said.

The study, Freedom of Thought 2013 [ ; ], was issued by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) [ ], a global body uniting atheists, agnostics and other religious skeptics, to mark United Nations' Human Rights Day on Tuesday.

"This report shows that the overwhelming majority of countries fail to respect the rights of atheists and freethinkers although they have signed U.N agreements to treat all citizens equally," said IHEU President Sonja Eggerickx.

The study covered all 192 member states in the world body and involved lawyers and human rights experts looking at statute books, court records and media accounts to establish the global situation.

A first survey of 60 countries last year showed just seven where death, often by public beheading, is the punishment for either blasphemy or apostasy - renouncing belief or switching to another religion which is also protected under U.N. accords.

But this year's more comprehensive study showed six more, bringing the full list to Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

In others, like India in a recent case involving a leading critic of religion, humanists say police are often reluctant or unwilling to investigate murders of atheists carried out by religious fundamentalists.

Across the world, the report said, "there are laws that deny atheists' right to exist, revoke their citizenship, restrict their right to marry, obstruct their access to public education, prevent them working for the state...."

Criticism of religious faith or even academic study of the origins of religions is frequently treated as a crime and can be equated to the capital offence of blasphemy, it asserted.


The IHEU, which has member bodies in some 50 countries and supporters in many more where such organizations are banned, said there was systematic or severe discrimination against atheists across the 27-nation European Union.

The situation was severe in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Malta and Poland where blasphemy laws allow for jail sentences up to three years on charges of offending a religion or believers.

In these and all other EU countries, with the exception of the Netherlands and Belgium which the report classed as "free and equal," there was systemic discrimination across society favoring religions and religious believers.

In the United States, it said, although the situation was "mostly satisfactory" in terms of legal respect for atheists' rights, there were a range of laws and practices "that equate being religious with being American."

In Latin America and the Caribbean, atheists faced systemic discrimination in most countries except Brazil, where the situation was "mostly satisfactory," and Jamaica and Uruguay which the report judged as "free and equal."

Across Africa, atheists faced severe or systemic violations of their rights to freedom of conscience but also grave violations in several countries, including Egypt, Libya and Morocco, and nominally Christian Zimbabwe and Eritrea.

(Reported by Robert Evans; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters [with comments] [also at (with embedded video report, and comments)]


12/19/13 1:59 AM

#215318 RE: F6 #215314

from their web site....Debunking the Myth of LGBT Discrimination

They claim on their own web site that they do not discriminate, that's good enough for me, I'll continue to drop a few bucks in the bucket.

For years, Facebook posts, forwarded emails and rumors have been leading some people to believe that The Salvation Army does not serve members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community. These accusations simply aren't true.

Since its founding nearly 150 years ago, The Salvation Army has lived out its mission: To meet human needs in His name, without discrimination. People who come to the Army for assistance will be served according to their need and our capacity to help - regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Some Internet postings originate in remarks made in a radio interview by Australian Major Andrew Craibe reported by the Truth Wins Out organization. It is emphatically noted that Major Craibe's comments do not reflect the views, policies, beliefs, or teachings of The Salvation Army anywhere in the world at any time in history.

We acknowledge that because of our size and scope, occasionally one of our millions of employees and volunteers might say or do something that does not reflect our values. We address these incidents as soon as they arise.

The Salvation Army believes that all people are equal, regardless of sexual orientation or any other factor, including race, gender and ethnicity.

"The Salvation Army does not discriminate. Period. We're here to serve in the name of Jesus Christ in the one way He commanded us to do it - with love and without discrimination. End of story."

- Envoy Bill Miller, director of The Salvation Army
Harbor Light Shelter in Minneapolis

The People We Serve

Each year, thanks to generous donations, The Salvation Army serves nearly 30 million Americans - or one person every second - from a variety of backgrounds. People who come to us for assistance will be served according to their need and our capacity to help - regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
More than 20 percent of all residents staying at The Salvation Army's youth homeless shelter in St. Paul voluntarily identified themselves as gay or lesbian.

The People We Hire

The Salvation Army embraces employees of many different faiths and orientations. Our hiring practices are open to all, and we adhere to all relevant employment laws, providing domestic partner benefits accordingly.

The People Who Support Us

Many people - including those in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community - support us with time and financial resources because of a common cause and commitment: To serve people in need.

"I called (Harbor Light) and told them everything - that I was on a fixed income, disabled, transgendered and trying to get away from my ex. It wasn't even an hour later that they called back and said they'd hold a spot for me. I arrived with nothing but a hope to start my life over and a desire to be strong again. A year and a half later, I was back on my feet. Living there was drama-free and I was never disrespected. They started a community service bug in me that's kept me active to this very day."

- Jacquelynn Massengill, Salvation Army volunteer
and former transitional housing resident

Questions? Don't hesitate to follow up with your local Salvation Army or email its National Headquarters at