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john runyon

12/19/13 8:43 AM

#108403 RE: Satan #108394

Not sure what I actually did, however if I did something wrong I am truly sorry and will modify my behavior to correct it. I am not a spammer at all, I believe my messages are on topic and if I did something wrong please let me know so I can make sure to avoid it.

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12/19/13 9:56 AM

#108404 RE: Satan #108394

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12/24/13 8:07 PM

#108497 RE: Satan #108394

lol! run the jail now?too funny!...
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12/25/13 1:59 PM

#108525 RE: Satan #108394

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12/28/13 8:32 PM

#108664 RE: Satan #108394

~ HellooOOOooo Satan! ;-) This really should be a Rule here on ALL IHUB BOARDS!! I Completely agree!! ;-)


New Jailhouse Rule:

By order of the head warden, henceforth all posts employing an excessive use of capital letters will be considered off topic, spam or something else that will dawn on me.

This rule will be strictly enforced when I feel like it.

You have been warned.

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01/01/14 9:39 PM

#108782 RE: Satan #108394

The TOS rules here allow pumpers to post lies day and night but bans those who post the truth,I don't get it??
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01/27/14 2:42 PM

#109057 RE: Satan #108394

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02/19/14 12:03 AM

#109292 RE: Satan #108394

Hey Satan, you cannot contain the psycho...
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05/14/14 3:43 AM

#110217 RE: Satan #108394

I wasnt aware of the new rule with the all caps I simply use it to get my fellow investors attention. My apologies how may I get this ban lifted and how long am I banned for ???
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06/20/14 3:38 PM

#110612 RE: Satan #108394

OK can I still use this board?
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06/26/14 9:51 AM

#110646 RE: Satan #108394

Hi I thought I get out of jail today.
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09/04/14 9:03 PM

#111309 RE: Satan #108394

Is this for real!?

Sounds like children running this joint? LOL

"We are never wrong"
"We are always right"

For a forum (I-Hub) supposedly for exchange of dialogue between various private retail type investors concerning regulated US & ADR securities, this jailhouse and the rules the purport and what the Administrators decree contradicts itself...

Is this Facebook by chance?
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01/07/15 11:47 PM

#112377 RE: Satan #108394

Satan, NEW rules ? ...When YOU FEEL LIKE IT ?


Who are you, Satan ?
Is there a rule that says: "You, Satan, can make a new rule and.... when HE feels like it ?

Please provide me such a link. Thanks.


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01/22/15 10:04 PM

#112446 RE: Satan #108394

How can i get access again? i understand the rules now
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02/13/16 12:09 PM

#115463 RE: Satan #108394

Huh. No surprise there. Sounds good in my book.

After a decade, the Representation of the People Act 1928 finally gave women the vote on an equal footing. Attitudes to racial prejudice in the law were set to change markedly with the proverbial "winds of change" sweeping through the Empire after World War II. As Britain's colonies won independence, many immigrated to the motherland, and for the first time communities of all colours were seen in London and the industrial cities of the North. The Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 1976 were passed by Harold Wilson's Labour government.

In 1972, Britain became a member of the European Community, which became the European Union in 1992 with the agreement of the Maastricht Treaty. The Conservative government opted out of the Social Chapter of the treaty, which included provisions on which anti-discrimination law would be based. Although they passed the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, it was not until Tony Blair's "New Labour" government won the 1997 election that the UK opted into the social provisions of EU law. In 2000, the EU overhauled and introduced new Directives explicitly protecting people with a particular sexuality, religion, belief and age, as well as updating the protection against disability, race and gender discrimination. The law is therefore quite new and is still in a state of flux. Between the EU passing directives and the UK government implementing them, it is apparent that the government has often failed to offer the required minimum level of protection. More changes are likely soon to iron out the anomalies.

Equality framework Edit

Equality legislation in the UK, formerly in separate Acts and regulations for each protected characteristic, is now primarily found in the Equality Act 2010. Particularly since the United Kingdom joined the Social Chapter of the European Union treaties, it mirrors a series of EU Directives. The three main Directives are the Equal Treatment Directive (Directive 2006/54/EC, for gender), the Racial Equality Directive (2000/48/EC) and the Directive establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (2000/78/EC, for religion, belief, sexuality, disability and age). Updates can be implemented automatically in domestic legislation as required by the case law of the European Court of Justice or changes in EU legislation.

Direct discrimination Edit
Direct discrimination occurs when an employer treats someone less favourably on the ground of a protected characteristic. It is unlawful under section 13 of the Equality Act 2010. A protected characteristic (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation) must be the reason for the different treatment, so that it is because of that characteristic that the less favourable treatment occurs. Generally, the law protects everyone, not just a group perceived to suffer discrimination. Therefore it is unlawful to treat a man less favourably than a woman, or a woman less favourably than a man, on the ground of the person's sex. However people who are single are not protected against more favourable treatment of people in marriage or civil partnership, and able people are not protected if a disabled person is treated more favourably.

In Coleman v Attridge Law in the European Court of Justice confirmed that a person may claim discrimination even if they are not the person with the protected characteristic, but rather they suffer unfavourable treatment because of someone they associate with.

For the protected characteristic of Age, it is a defence to a claim of direct discrimination that the discrimination is "justified" by some reason. There is no defence of justification for other protected characteristics.

Harassment Edit
See also: Harassment (UK), Workplace bullying and Protection from Harassment Act 1997
Under the Equality Act 2010 section 26,[6] a person harasses another if he or she engages in unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, and the conduct has the purpose or effect of violating the other's dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the other. It is also harassment if a person treats another less favourably because the other has rejected or submitted to unwanted conduct of a sexual nature.

Victimisation Edit
See also: Victimisation and Organizational retaliatory behavior § Workplace retaliation
The definition of "victimisation" is found in the Equality Act 2010 section 27.[7] It refers to subjecting a person to a further detriment after they try to complain or bring proceedings in connection with discrimination, on their own behalf or on behalf of someone else.

Indirect discrimination Edit
"Indirect" discrimination is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010 section 19.[8] It involves the application of a provision, criterion or practice to everyone, which has a disproportionate effect on some people and is not objectively justified. For instance, a requirement that applicants for a job be over a certain height would have a greater impact on women than on men, as the average height of women is lower than that of men. It is a defence for the employer to show that the requirement is “a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim”.
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05/02/16 3:25 PM

#115871 RE: Satan #108394

New jailhouse rule: anything you say must be positive
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09/04/16 4:58 AM

#116252 RE: Satan #108394

Satin? Are there any job openings in hell?
Also I'm gonna start posting videos of my playing the harmonica while I'm in jail if that's ok.
Just need to find a harmonica
And learn to play it.
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08/10/17 6:52 AM

#117956 RE: Satan #108394

I probably should have read the stickies before posting.
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10/30/17 9:46 AM

#118273 RE: Satan #108394

'Satan' By coincidence, any connection to a good pal of mine & dear friend, Lucifer Jr.? He told me he got his attitude & horns from you. Just sayin'!
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06/06/18 8:00 AM

#119065 RE: Satan #108394

Satan,can I have some more oatmeal please?
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09/25/18 6:25 PM

#119368 RE: Satan #108394

How long you in here for, bro?
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05/16/19 10:05 AM

#120101 RE: Satan #108394





JC xXx
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Jim Beem

08/07/19 12:04 AM

#120296 RE: Satan #108394

Yes God tell me why I'm here your faithfulness.
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Jim Beem

08/10/19 12:21 PM

#120301 RE: Satan #108394

So when do I get my phone call? Bread and water please, I'm hungry.
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Mr. Zen

09/30/19 8:36 AM

#120416 RE: Satan #108394

Hey Shelley..........

you ban me for no reason, you listen to the lies of an illegal stock promoter, now you will not even answer my request for a review of my ban. WHAT??????????????????
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01/31/20 1:34 PM

#120659 RE: Satan #108394

or maybe everyone will be banned unless they are paying customers for stock promoters
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08/17/20 7:56 AM

#121034 RE: Satan #108394

This Jail Scam is the worst part of it all. The only people that end up in JAIL HOUSE are the people who are actually trying to tell the truth about these Pump and Dump Scams but you never see the criminals that are stealing from people here..

Can you explain that? Anyone can see through it. I just can't understand how a REPUTABLE SITE would allow organized stocks scams to operate with no intervention and then has the audacity to block or suspend PAYING CUSTOMERS when they get wise to the scam and try to warm people.

This site , or at least many of the people running these boards and this "JAIL HOUSE SCAM" , are directly involved in these scams. There's no other explanation as to why the SCAM RUNNERS are never put on lock down but anyone and everyone that DOES complain gets put in jail JUST AS THE SCAM STARTS TO KICK IN TOO..

These are ORGANIZED STOCK SCAM GROUPS that work in groups to pull theses scams off.. Anyone that post the truth or responds to it, that's not a part of the "click", gets their accounts suspended or put in jail.. WE ARE PAYING CUSTOMERS .. This is FRAUD ..
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Hattori Hanzo

05/02/21 10:21 AM

#121933 RE: Satan #108394

SATAN!!!! Trying to summon you. I offer up the head of No Moderator as sacrifice. <drops bowling ball bag on table>

Does Satan die? Is he already dead? Should you have always had the black ribbon?
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06/05/21 4:58 PM

#122005 RE: Satan #108394

gently as i go i am reading so i am restricted for caps & high lighting
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12/18/21 3:49 PM

#122385 RE: Satan #108394

the logic of a mule.. ie useful idiot
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05/06/23 1:47 PM

#123410 RE: Satan #108394

Sorry. Have no idea what I did wrong. Just thanking people for educating me
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10/24/23 1:38 PM

#123572 RE: Satan #108394

how long is my account suspended
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11/08/23 6:15 AM

#123592 RE: Satan #108394

YEA Virginia!...Gov Youngkin believed his own press clippings - voters had a different opinion.
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01/14/24 1:17 PM

#123728 RE: Satan #108394

good rule
duly noted
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01/23/24 2:39 PM

#123741 RE: Satan #108394

LOL! Added +1K More $AMC Shares Do The Donkey Kong Apes! AMC Theatres