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12/17/13 8:35 PM

#5611 RE: exlax #5610

Ummmm..hes making chit up. i have been around long enough to know that NO, ZERO, ZIP retail trader would EVER short a 000 would take an INSANE amount of capital just to short even 1m shares.. AND thats even assuming there is some broker out there willing to use some other clients shares to short (unlikely) Anyhow the risk vs reward is so far out of whack, it really makes no sense. its so far fetched i cant even believe im commenting on it. i must really be bored lol

"The maintenance requirements are through the roof on shorting pennies, usually something like needing $2.50 per share you short"

For kicks..lets do the math.

1,000,000 shares short X's $2.50/per share (maintenance requirement) ='s $2,500,000

And at 0006 whats he going to short that million shares to? 0003 ? So it would take $2.5M to make $300 bucks . Now back to reality lol


12/17/13 8:43 PM

#5612 RE: exlax #5610

Going short. Selling some of your position for a gain hitting the bid. To join the bigger bid at a liwer price.


12/18/13 8:52 AM

#5623 RE: exlax #5610

Think or swim, call the broker, gotta meet some req. and you really borrow massive positions, but you can make a few grand at a's easier to spot a loser then it is a winner...I've been around too, difference is, I work extremely hard at it, instead of just repeat the same backwash everyone else does....this is a loser