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12/16/13 11:12 AM

#30017 RE: Civicbird #30015

You are much more optimistic than I am. IMO there are too many chances that the OS can increase even more and with such a large OS, a penny seems out of reach to me.

Besides, when you play the pennies the MMs run the show - always. Under the guise of "making market" MMs reap profits through manipulation rather than true supply and demand. GRPR has MANY dark days ahead due to their play.

We just need to follow suit and be prepared to trade in and out as the wind blows. I will retain a core of shares which I will hold for the long term but I intend to trade many more than that number when spikes and drops occur as GRPR settles in on its long steady climb to viability. GL


12/16/13 11:15 AM

#30018 RE: Civicbird #30015

Im with you Brendan!