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04/24/03 10:25 PM

#369 RE: timhyma #368

TFO~ interesting matter where placed, they are selling out throughout W-Marts distribution channels... they're there and then they are not lol

...if I am to believe the RB posters, as they state they indeed *are* selling! There are non on our island. I am envious of everyone that has had the chance to purchase them... the demand seems very strong so I guess this bodes well for the future if they could gear up the production <g> I have been so busy I have not even had the time to look at the RB boards.
To the ERTH Board;

Sorry to have been quiet over here... I have been researching and wearing my typing fingers to the bones since ERTH has stabilized and I am seeing other avenues of opportunity everywhere I turn (bull markets are great for the adrenaline lol)

I have been posting my DD on a recent position (APT-AMEX) over on Tim's BTS board for anyone interested;

in response to the actual DD, see message;

I haven't even had the time to get the word out on ELN-NYSE and while I posted some minor DD and comments on BTS back in December '02;

and Ron posted his TA (nice graph) at;

...I have had no time to even post updates on it (groan)... but today's "news" on is worth trying to disseminate so here goes;

I pasted the article posted at CNN.COM...

Results promising, say researchers
Tuesday, April 8, 2003 Posted: 12:30 PM EDT (1630 GMT)

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- An epilepsy drug combined with a reduced-calorie diet may result in significant weight loss for obese adults, according to one of several obesity studies in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association.

The epilepsy drug research was prompted by reports of unintentional weight loss in epilepsy patients using zonisamide to prevent seizures.

In the Duke University study, participants who took zonisamide daily for 16 weeks lost an average of nearly 13 pounds, compared with about 2 pounds in patients given dummy pills.

Both groups also ate 500 fewer calories daily in a diet monitored by a dietitian, and were encouraged to increase their activity levels. Patients were mostly women, aged 21 to 50, and weighed over 200 pounds on average.

The study was small -- just 60 patients -- and the results are preliminary, but they suggest the drug could be a promising addition to efforts to control the nation's obesity epidemic, according to a research team led by Duke's Dr. Kishore Gadde.

Some 30 percent of U.S. adults are obese and 60 percent are overweight.

The study was funded by Elan Biopharmaceuticals, makers of zonisamide, which is sold under the brand name Zonegran.

In the zonisamide study, the researchers said "the precise mechanism is not known" for how the drug stimulates weight loss.

Fatigue was the only side effect reported more frequently in the zonisamide patients than in the placebo group. How it would stack up against drugs approved for weight loss is not known.
also found this on IHub;

ELN - long on stealth rally

Up today in a bad market. Why?

Zonegran is an antiseizure drug the company has on the market that is a minor but new drug. Recent study out of Duke U. discusses the significant SE of weight loss. The drug seems to cut cravings and the patients see coninuation for months of steady weight loss. SE effects seem minimal and lethargy seems the primary one (lose weight while you sleep (g)).

The drug is already on the shelf and therefore no Phase I, II, or III worries. The company has announced intent to file for a new indication. This is a company with 1.5 billion market cap. The side effected on this drug is weight loss far superior to any drug on the market. This drug is now available on Pharmacy shelves. Other drug are in the pipeline but who cares. If this drug makes it obesity is a growing worldwid problem. A drug with billions in sales and you get a triple or much more (sorry for a pump). Be sure to review financials and SEC investigation before buying.


So bear with me... and keep the great posts coming as I have my hands full... it has been a very good month for me. With the price holding firm for ERTH ($ .39 -.41) in light of our tight lipped mgmt., <g> I am stoked!
