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12/11/13 11:11 AM

#174694 RE: pigsGETslaughtered21 #174692

Nice! You should just get certs. Rumor on the penny boards is that certs stop shorts as well, maybe all longs should do that. If an investor is true to kmag as posted then certs are the way to prove that loyalty to king JDR. Praise him, worship him, give JDR everything you have to show your loyalty!!!


12/11/13 11:23 AM

#174695 RE: pigsGETslaughtered21 #174692

OH!!! I like this remark, pGs21! For when it happens {& not if it happens!}, I am going to take a lot of those worthless AMERICAN US FED PAPER FIAT DOLLARS & BUY just oodles & oodles of US MINT AMERICAN GOLD & SILVER EAGLES, 1 once rounds, the which to do will soon increase my net worth astronomically, just by the FACT of POSSESSING PHYSICALLY REAL MONEY in the form of the precious metals, ''legal tender'', as per the testimony & admonition of such gurus as ''Mr. GOLD'', ie: Jim Sinclair, Paul Craig Roberts, Jim Willie, David Stockman, and too many such others to mention! Do your home work, my friends, with regard to what is SOON about to happen to the status & value of our paper fiat AMERICAN DOLLAR! Sincerely, jaime Felipe GO KMAG/LIVE TRACK! {I WONDER IF THOSE LAST 4 WORDS ARE AN OPINION OR A FACT?} LOL! ''

Jaime :-)


12/11/13 11:42 AM

#174699 RE: pigsGETslaughtered21 #174692

People, myself included, neglect to do the arithmetic. When KMAG reaches $1 and then moves up a nickel, a first conclusion would be: that is only a 5% gain. In actuality, having bought at .01, that is a 400% gain.
We hear talk of bailing out after huge gains and finding a stock with a higher gain potential. But it is important to not base judgment on price gain as much as percentage gain.
We know, technically, reaching $1.35 is merely retracing past history. When the fundamentals are made public we can calculate a fair value and project growth. We may find that the most prudent option may be to simply buy and hold.


12/11/13 11:53 AM

#174702 RE: pigsGETslaughtered21 #174692

Just make sure that some or a lot of them are, in fact, certs, pGs21, just as ol' peorge admonished us to do, for by so doing, we'll make them unavailable to the naked & legal shorters, who are always so omnipresent in almost any stock. As also, it protects the person who so does that, from having any federal or banking type entity from being able to EXPROPRIATE them FOR ANY PROFFERED EXCUSE OR PRETEXT! caveat emptor! Jaime

Hi, Muse! I'll call you later! Just let me know when would be a good time! made me feel great to see your name pop up on ''our forum''!