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01/31/06 6:39 AM

#70436 RE: mas #70433

@Mas - NGA
I enjoyed your posts in the past, but your posts on NGA
doesn't make sense (IMHO), when you don't have samples
working in your room. Intel published benchmarks and we
all know, how these were made. Do you know the word A P P L E
? Do you know how they claim new performance increases and
the same was done from Intel for Conroe ... So up to date,
I haven't seen a single "IMPORTANT" bench (render, games, video)
(SPEC beside), where we could predict a rough number for IPC
gains over Yonah. I haven't seen one, do you? So when you will
answer the last question with yes, it seems, that you have to
act a little bit more carefully with further predictions. But
its only my 2C.

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01/31/06 6:52 AM

#70438 RE: mas #70433

[Edited] @MAS - IPC
Don't get my wrong, SPEC is a "huge" suite, but I don't
know, whether we could make speed-predictions for Conroe under
real Desktop environment. So I don't claim that Conroe
will su***, but you sound lastly so sure, that it is to me
a little bit strange. Either you have facts or you should
keep this stuff a little bit shorter.

BTW - when your predictions are correct, it seems EXTREMLY
unlikely, that we will hear something from DELL. So its my
opinion, that Mikey haven't said anything he made. And by the
way, my sources are telling me something which I couldn't say
here "on air" ... so be prepared. Enough said.