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12/10/13 6:10 PM

#3789 RE: kkpm #3788

Dear Reader,

HHWW just hit $8.98 per share!!!

HHWW is now up 259%

More Gigantic News! HHWW just Triggered ALL (13) Strong Buy Indicators!!!

Short Term = Strong Buy
Mid Term = Strong Buy
Long Term = Strong Buy

Follow This Link TO See The Proof! It's Amazing

Stay Profitable

PS. Detailed Report Coming

PPS. This email is going out to over 50,000 readers RIGHT NOW!

Dear Reader,

HHWW just hit $4.65 up 83 Percent!

Are you watching this?

More Gigantic News! HHWW just Triggered ALL (13) Strong Buy Indicators!!!

Short Term = Strong Buy
Mid Term = Strong Buy
Long Term = Strong Buy

Follow This Link TO See The Proof! It's Amazing

Stay Profitable

PS. Detailed Report Coming

PPS. This email is going out to over 50,000 readers RIGHT NOW!


12/10/13 6:12 PM

#3790 RE: kkpm #3788

December, 9th

Dear Reader,

The biggest names in movies and music are already wearing high-end Horiyoshi the III clothing, and just like shares in jean company True Religion shot from $.67 to $31.08,

Could shares in Horiyoshi Worldwide (HHWW) soar even higher before Winter, 2013!

A potential jump that big means $5,000 turns into
$226,900 - $10,000 grows to $453,800

Fellow Investor,

At an estimated $600 Billion, it’s no secret that the fashion industry is big business…

But did you know that a healthy chunk of that $600 Billion, roughly $41 Billion, is in the niche of “designer” fashion?

Now, if a company were to garner just half of a percent of that niche market, they’d be looking at $205 Million in revenues.

However, the world of fashion is as cutthroat as any other business and making a name for yourself is next to impossible in this dog-eat-dog industry.

With fashion you need an edge, an ace in the hole – something to get your foot in the proverbial door…

And nothing builds your brand better than your products being seen on Hollywood’s elite, which is something that Horiyoshi Worldwide is already doing.

Big A-list celebrities like Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to some of the biggest names in music like Gwen Stefani, Mick Jagger and The Black-Eyed Peas have all been seen wearing the exclusive apparel of Horiyoshi the III…

And that “cool” factor is quickly turning into public demand. High-end retailers like Nieman Marcus, Fred Segal and Harvey Nichols are gobbling up as much Horiyoshi as they possibly can.

But it’s Horiyoshi Worldwide’s upcoming street-wear collection that has investors chomping at the bit, because once this more affordable line hits the stores, profits will go through the roof.

We’ve seen this buying rush happen before with denim designers True Religion, whose shares exploded from $.65 to $24 in less than a year…

And now’s the time to lock in your profits by researching early in HHWW, because by Winter 2013, it may be too late.

Horiyoshi: Proving Lighting
(and Profits) Can Strike Twice

There’s a reason why experts are predicting big things for Horiyoshi Worldwide – and it all starts with True Religion…

In 2006, this unknown jean designer started popping up everywhere in Hollywood, and it didn’t take long for the brand to take hold as Gen Y-ers and fashion-conscious Baby Boomers started to notice.

This started a chain reaction…

Shares in this company exploded! The former little $.65 “stock that could” jumped to $24, making early investors into Millionaires.

And as impressive as this price jump is, it’s peanuts compared the potential HHWW can do, as Horiyoshi Worldwide already has a something True Religion never did – a track record of success!

Because this isn’t the first time the Japanese tattoo legend’s designs have hit Western shores…

Just last year, Horiyoshi’s tattoo-inspired artwork was used in a very successful, multi-Million-dollar-making and very limited line for gigantic apparel company Affliction.

This success proves two things…

One, the tattoo subculture has crossed over to the main stream…

And two – Horiyoshi sells!

This is what is important to people like us, even though we may not know much about fashion, we do understand the nature of business, and we’ll take sales over the “cool” factor every time.

This track record of success is a luxury True Religion never had, and just one more reason why HHWW could surpass the jean company’s meteoric-rise to stock superstardom, meaning huge profits for investors who act now!

But let’s answer that one question that’s been in the back of your mind…

Who is Horiyoshi the III and How could
He Going to Make You Rich?

Over the past 20 years, tattoos have become more and more prevalent and more acceptable than ever before.

And while some of that old stigma remains about tattooed people, a renaissance of sorts has begun as tattoos have become accepted as works of art.

And in this tattoo renaissance, Horiyoshi Nakano, or as he’s known through out the world, Horiyoshi the III, would be considered the Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo of his generation.

For the past 40 years, Horiyoshi the III has been making his mark on the tattoo world, considered by many to be the very best on the planet.

His clients fly to his native Yokohama, Japan from all over the world and spending tens of thousands of dollars to receive a tattoo from a master.

Even some of the biggest names in entertainment bear Horiyoshi’s artwork including David Bowie, members of Motley Crue and Anthony Keidis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

But one of the names that investors may find interesting is none other than Don Ed Hardy, a tattoo legend in his own right, and founder of the tattoo-inspired Ed Hardy clothing line.

Hardy’s company that sells clothing bearing his artwork has been valued at around $304 Million dollars.

And in an exclusive interview, Mr. Hardy expressed his feelings about Horiyoshi the III’s impact on the tattoo world,

“Horiyoshi’s artistic genius and generosity of spirit have had a defining impact on the world of tattooing, taking it to new levels in this century.”

Those are high words of praise by a “competitor” in the clothing world, but Ed Hardy knows that Horiyoshi will keep true to the tattoo culture.

And it’s this ability to garner ringing endorsements from such a big name in the tattoo and fashion industry that has people so excited for the Horiyoshi the III brand, and their newest street-wear line.

High-end Vs. Commercial Brands:
And the winner is…You!

It’s one of those questions that businesses have been trying to answer for years…

Is it better to sell more products at a lower price or less at a higher price?

There are pros and cons to both philosophies…

The exclusivity of wearing clothing that only the wealthy can afford, creates a demand for your brand, even among those that can’t afford your products.

But on the other side of the fence, there’s the amount of money that comes from moving product at high volumes at a lower price to the general public.

It’s an important decision to make whenever you start any business, and Horiyoshi the III is no different.

When faced with the decision to go high-end or commercial, Team Horiyoshi knew where they wanted to take the company, and made the choice that they knew would give them the quickest to success…

The answer?

Why not both. Horiyoshi’s management team made a bold move, choosing to start from the top and work their way down, creating a product to be sold in only the most exclusive boutiques and high-end retailers around the world and generate a demand for the brand.

It’s a move that is paying off – big time.

Nobody wears high-end better than movie stars…

And Horiyoshi the III is being seen on Hollywood’s elite, creating a buzz around Tinsel Town, and once this demand starts, it’s hard to stop…

Desperate shoppers will search in vain for sold out Horiyoshi clothing, paying above retail just to be seen wearing the “in” fashion of the season.

The Hollywood buzz about Horiyoshi the III is already forcing the rest of the fashion world to take notice…, Vogue Magazine’s website has said,“Horiyoshi III is to the art of tattooing what Karl Lagerfeld is to couture: a living legend.”

And how will Team Horiyoshi capitalize on this growing demand?

With their highly anticipated street wear line.

Their new streetwear line will be a much more affordable line from Horiyoshi, which could very well meet the same level of success that Affliction’s collection did in 2009, collecting Millions in sales.

What This Economic Recovery Means
for Early Investors in HHWW

It’s no secret that the weakened economy affected us all…

From the bursting of the housing bubble, to the ’08 crash of the stock market – everybody from all walks of life have felt the effects of what many economists are calling The Great Recession.

But like the generations before, we tightened our belts, cut back and now we’re well on our way to economic recovery.

And while business and Wall Street gets back on track, there’s never been a better time for investors to get back into the market…

Stock prices are lower than they’ve been in years, allowing for a greater chance to profit when the market’s begin to stabilize and start their inevitable climb up and beyond previous highs.

And with shares of Horiyoshi the III (HHWW) trading around $3.00 - $3.50 up almost 100% today, there may not be a stock out there with bigger profit potential.

I mean think about it, if True Religion could go from $.65 to $24 without a track record of success, could HHWW easily reach and surpass those same heights?

But, even if Horiyoshi does only half of what True Religion’s stock prices did, we’d still be looking at 1,796% increase, which would drive shares above $17.96…

High-End Retailers Making
Shareholders in HHWW Wealthy

Like I’ve said before, this snowball is already starting to roll…

Already found in some of the most exclusive boutiques around the globe, the rich and famous are getting first crack at Horiyoshi’s apparel and custom jewelry line…

From Paris to Palm Beach, from Los Angeles to London, you can walk into any of these boutiques and view Horiyoshi’s collection for yourself…

But if you really want to get a feel for how far reaching Horiyoshi’s impact is on the fashion world, you can now walk in to many of today’s biggest retailers to see what The New York Times correctly calls, “A great new line…”.

Walk into any Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom, Fred Segal or Harvey Nichols, and take a look at Horiyoshi the III’s impressive artwork (if it’s not sold out, that is!)…

Touch the fabric, feel the quality…

Once you do, it won’t be hard to see why this company isn’t going anywhere but up!

But get this…

The best part is, just like True Religion did before it, HHWW is flying under Wall Streets radar, which is why shares are still around $3.00+

But as soon as word gets out, you could bet that some of the today’s biggest players will be snatching up as many shares of this sure-fire winner as they can, and lock out people like us.

That’s why we should keep this between us, let’s lock down our profits first before spreading the word…

After that, those high-powered traders can buy as many shares of HHWW as they want!

Why Stars are Wearing Horiyoshi the III

It’s vitally important for celebrities to be seen wearing the newest and best fashions, because in order to get your picture taken by the paparazzi, you must stay relevant…

See, in Hollywood, if you’re not in, you’re out. And nothing can cause your “star stock” drop faster than terrible fashion sense.

Stars want to be seen as current. Their greatest fear is to tumble into obscurity because they know it may be years until they’re back in the limelight, and clothes can literally make (or break) the man.

And some of today’s biggest and brightest are already being seen wearing clothes from this tattoo legend…

From A-list movie starts like Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and Megan Fox…

To music’s biggest recording artists like Gwen Stefani, Janet Jackson and the Black Eyed Peas all own Horiyoshi the III clothing. I know what you’re thinking,

“Why are you telling me about this Hollywood crap for, I just want to know how this is going to make me money?”

Well, all of these stars have fans, rabid fans, who will go to any lengths to emulate their favorite celebrity…

And fashion trends take hold much like a cold or flu breakout, moving from one person to the next, until before you know it, it’s an epidemic.

As investors in Horiyoshi Worldwide, that epidemic is what we want – a fashion “sickness” that creates such a demand for the product, such a buying frenzy, that shares in HHWW go right through the roof!

It’s this inevitable demand that has insiders predicting big profits for the clothing company (and its shareholders) in the very near future, and that’s exactly what could happen as more and more stars are seen wearing Horiyoshi the III.

Horiyoshi Worldwide’s Secret Weapon –
Profit Potential!

I’ve been doing this long enough to know a successful formula when I see it…

Market factors seem to be aligning just right, and this alignment that seems to be creating a “perfect storm” type of situation for early investors in HHWW. By Winter of 2013, the share you buy today at around $3.00 could be at a much different level!

But despite my incredible track record and no matter what I say, there are some people that are just born skeptics. It doesn’t matter what you tell them, unless they see the cold-hard facts, they won’t believe a word you say.

I’ve found there’s only one cure to skepticism…

And that’s proof.

I believe that shares in Horiyoshi Worldwide are going to explode, and here’s why…

Profit potential.

And a big reason for this?

With only approx 800,500 thousand shares outstanding, we could easily watch as shares shoot from around $3.00 to much new levels as more and more shirts fly off the racks…

And with Horiyoshi’s design already boasting an impressive multi-Million dollar track record, this buying frenzy is virtually a lock!

But there’s more…

Many aspects of Horiyoshi Worldwide’s business model mirror that of previous Wall Street winners that made early investors incredibly wealthy. Names like…
•True ReligionUp 4,538%
•Apple Computers – Up 3,350%
•Motorola – Up 4,916%

But we could spend days talking about the intangibles such as an experienced management team, a proven marketing staff and inside contacts throughout the fashion industry…

The stars are coming together for Horiyoshi Worldwide and its early investors, now’s the time to research HHWW as fast as you can, because I can’t guarantee they’ll stay this low for long.

Don’t Wait! Horiyoshi Worldwide Could
Be Your Greatest Move Ever

I can’t stress this enough…

Don’t let another moment pass by without either calling your broker or researching online HHWW now, before any breaking news hits the wire and set's the price on fire.

If you missed the boat on True Religion, you’re about to get a second chance to potentially profit from the fashion industry with Horiyoshi Worldwide.

Don’t wait!

This one move could be the most important of your entire life!

I urge you to take me up on this offer regarding HWWW, start your research now. I can’t promise you’ll ever see it again.

Stay Profitable