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12/08/13 4:26 PM

#14399 RE: monda2frida #14396

Kathy certainly has what it takes to be the CEO but i think a Chief Operating Officer who reported to her would be a great fit. As long as we are speculating :)


12/08/13 10:35 PM

#14400 RE: monda2frida #14396


They have the manufacturer???
What manufacturer.

Please share that with us.


12/09/13 8:03 AM

#14402 RE: monda2frida #14396

The recommendations for the Bosch JP-8 pump redisign concluded that they can use the existing core pump manufactured by Bosch.

A propriatary technology could either be done after-market on the bosch pump or AFT could license the technology and have Bosch or someone else do the work and pay them (AFT)for it. (SBIR grants sole-source to the firm granted commercialization rights for the technology developed under the SBIR program so no patent is required...this is one of the reasons Jim did not persue a patent on the original pumps he provided to Volvo, they could be manufactured by another company after requisite modifications making his patent basically left out of the loop...many questioned this decision, but there are now several manufacturers of the non-robust DME pump).

Reading the conclusions of the final phase one report here, it seems a plausible path that AFT could do the work and sell the pumps once JP-8 ready. We were never told what the work was that had Jim talking about plant expansion and hiring more staff...until we hear something we can toss around some ideas, I guess.

My thought is AFT has a very good idea (if, as I summized, that the Argonne National Laboratories tie-in, as well as The National Science Foundation Grant) as to whether or not the phase 2 was a complete success. The longer it takes for the Army to final the summary report that AFT submitted, the more, I feel, they have not found a reason to send it back for modifications.


I know I put more weight to this than others feel is justified, but The International DME Association still (Executive briefing in Washington Sept 2013) calls AFT a manufacturer of a robust common rail....many months since Jim's passing...and in a sparsely-worded, dozen-page, presentation about the current state of DME...having AFT mentioned by name that they manufacture.....may not be a magic bullet...but most assuredly foe me, is a smoking gun.


Oh, I also believe that the statement on the last line of the submission "can also be marketed as a premium pump for severe applications" could well mean marine uses to get ships off of grossly polluting bunker oil and on to cleaner JP-8 fuel.

I also think "premium" means $$$$

Keep in mind, SBIR provides an umbrella contract for the paid-for technology do that individual entities do not have to start up with a brand new individual contract for SBIR technology. And they also expect the developer to not only supply the (in this case Army) primary contractor...but to make it commercially available and they expect that do be done.