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05/05/14 6:23 AM

#222223 RE: fuagf #214665

NYPD Update: Stop-And-Frisk Now Under Federal Oversight; Muslim-Spying 'Demographics Unit' Disbanded

from the somewhere,-Mike-Bloomberg-is-choking-on-his-own-indignation dept

by Tim Cushing
Wed, Apr 16th 2014 1:38pm

Time for an update on the NYPD scene. As you'll recall, both Mayor Bloomberg and Police Chief Ray Kelly exited their respective offices [ ] in their respective huffs [ ], claiming the city would fall apart [ ] if the sanctity of the NYPD's Constitution-skirting programs (stop-and-frisk [ ], the Muslim-watching [ ] Demographics Unit) weren't preserved.

The legal battle over the constitutionality of the stop-and-frisk took several turns, including the removal [ ] of the presiding judge for "appearances of partiality." Incoming mayor Bill de Blasio promised to drop [ ] the city's appeal of Judge Scheindlin's ruling, and oddly enough, actually did [ ].

An attempt to keep the appeal going was filed [ ] by the union representing the NYPD, but this was shot down by the appeals court [ ]. It did, however, allow it to be part of the final negotiations. The end result was the installation of five years of oversight over the NYPD's controversial program [ ] in order to move it towards something more resembling compliance with the Constitution.

The apocalypse [ ] Bloomberg and Kelly claimed was unavoidable [ ] if stop-and-frisk was curbed has failed to materialize [ ]. Even before the ruling was handed down, the program had been scaled back, with 86% fewer stops being recorded in the first quarter of 2014 than in the same quarter of 2012. Despite this lack of pushing random people up against the wall, crime is down 13% compared to 2013. Was stop-and-frisk ever truly essential? Or was it simply something that became an all too easily abused "tool" of the NYPD? At this point, the numbers seem to indicate that stop-and-frisk had very little real effect on criminal activity.

More good news on the NYPD v. Constitution front: the infamous Muslim-spying wing of the NYPD -- the stupidly-named "Demographics Unit" -- has been disbanded [ ]. This program, started by a former CIA officer [ ] who leveraged the city's post-9/11 anxieties to craft major changes to guidelines governing the surveillance of New Yorkers, spent a considerable amount of time infiltrating and surveilling entire mosques under the pretense that each and every member was somehow related to ongoing counterterrorism investigations.

The investigations performed by this unit did considerable damage to the civil liberties of mosque attendees over the last decade, but failed to turn up any credible suspects, much less terrorism-related arrests. The unit's pervasive surveillance so thoroughly violated First and Fourth Amendment protections that the CIA and FBI were unable to avail themselves of the "intelligence" collected by the NYPD without violating federal guidelines. When even the CIA [ ] can't look at your investigative results for fear of violating its own minimal civil liberties protections, you know you've got a problem.

Bill Bratton, returning to the NYPD commissioner's office, seems to have realized that programs like the Demographics Unit ultimately do more harm than good. When heading the Los Angeles Police Department, he was approached with a similar idea for tracking that city's Muslim community. He had this to say then:

“A lot of these people came from countries where the police were the terrorists,” he said at the time. “We don’t do that here. We do not want to spread fear. We want to deal with criminals.”

The NYPD, before his return, had no such concerns. If anything, the NYPD actively created distrust -- both in the New York Muslim community and around the world, sending its officers uninvited [ ] to peer over the shoulders of local police and investigative units at scenes of terrorism activity in countries like Kenya and Bali [ ].

The new NYPD is still staffed with the old NYPD, which means change will be slow and likely fought every step of the way. Muslims are understandably concerned that the public disbandment of the Demographics Unit will just result in the level of surveillance being unchanged, if only a bit more unfocused. Bratton seems to be nudging the department towards a more FBI-esque set of rules, which isn't ideal, but is certainly much better than the abusive behavior permitted under the NYPD's internal guidelines.

It does appear the NYPD will be moving towards something resembling an actual police force, rather than a law unto itself. Without Kelly and Bloomberg around to defend its every overstep, the NYPD can no longer expect to skirt the Constitution with impunity. But there's a long way to go to fix things, so any optimism must be tempered by the fact that good habits are tough to instill and bad habits are extremely hard to break. Five years of oversight is a start, but the city -- meaning the mayor and the police commissioner -- must be willing to hold its officers accountable.

Copyright 2014 Techdirt [with comments]


Bench Clearing brawl at FDNY NYPD Charity Hockey Game 2014

Published on Apr 6, 2014 by William Sasson [ ] [with comments] [embedded/more at "NYC cops, firemen get in massive brawl at charity hockey game", (with comments)]


NYPD Cops Can't Stop Getting Drunk And Shooting At People

Via lohud

by Christopher Mathias
Posted: 05/01/2014 9:57 am EDT Updated: 05/02/2014 9:59 am EDT

The New York City Police Department has a problem: three officers in the span of a week have drunkenly fired their weapons at people, in one case striking a man six times as he sat in a car.

“These unfortunate incidents highlight the reality that lack of accountability at the NYPD has enabled a culture in which some officers believe they are above the law,” Priscilla Gonzalez of Communities United for Police Reform told The Huffington Post.

In the bloodiest incident, authorities say an off-duty cop shot a random motorist six times on Tuesday in Westchester County after drinking at a bar with colleagues.

NYPD Officer Brendan Cronin, 27, was arrested and charged with assault in the first degree. The New York Times reports [ ] Cronin allegedly pulled up to a traffic light a little before midnight Tuesday in Pelham, at the corner of Lincoln and Sixth Avenues, and fired his 9 millimeter Glock handgun at another car. The motive for the shooting is unclear.

According to The New York Post [ ], Cronin had started his day at a shooting range with other off-duty cops and ended it at a bar, where he downed more than a few drinks.

The victim, 47-year-old Joe Felice, was sitting in the passenger seat of his friend's car when he heard the gunshots. Upon realizing he'd been shot, he slid down in his seat, where he was struck five more times. Another bullet hit the headrest where his head had been moments before.

His friend then drove Felice to Montefiore Medical Center in The Bronx, where he was treated for six gunshot wounds in his torso, arms, and lungs. Felice is in stable condition.

Cronin drove away from the shooting. A short time later, motorists called 911 to report a car driving erratically with its hazard lights on. When cops chased down and stopped the vehicle, Cronin was inside. He brandished his gun out the window before officers eventually got him to toss the weapon to the ground.

AM New York reports [ ] police later recovered 13 shell casings from the crime scene.

"The initial indication is that this was a random act,” said Pelham Police Chief Joseph Benefico, according to The New York Daily News [ ]. “We have not been able to find any link between the two persons."

Cronin pleaded not guilty on Wednesday and is being held on $250,000 bond. According to the Post, Cronin, who refused a Breathalyzer test, doesn't remember firing his weapon, and Bratton said he is believed to have been drunk.

Three hours after the shooting in Pelham, another off-duty NYPD officer allegedly opened fire [ ] at her boyfriend and another woman outside a Somerset, New Jersey strip club. No one was injured. Sgt. Wanda Anthony allegedly fled the scene and was arrested three hours later for drunk driving.

Last Thursday, a third off-duty NYPD cop, Det. Jay Poggi, accidentally shot his partner [ ] in the wrist after a night of drinking in the Rockaways. The two officers had each reportedly downed 11 drinks.

The three booze-fueled shootings prompted NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton to announce in a statement that he is "personally... very disturbed about a number of incidents in recent weeks that are part of a long-term problem of inappropriate use of alcohol by members of the department.”

Gonzalez said the department has some work to do.

“The long-term task of establishing meaningful accountability for the police department is essential to repairing the relationship between communities and the NYPD," she said.

Copyright ©2014, Inc. [with comments]


Bench clearing brawl at FDNY NYPD Charity Hockey Game 2014

Published on Apr 6, 2014 by prosurfer92 [ ]

The annual charity hockey game between the FDNY and NYPD devolved into a full-out brawl at Nassau Coliseum with the score tied at three. Cops and firefighters were beating the crap out of each other. [with comments]


Is Stop-and-Frisk Worth It?

Joshua Rodriguez (left), a junior, and Kiairus Diamond (right), a sophomore, stand in a hallway at the Malcolm X Shabazz High School. Both say they have been stopped and frisked repeatedly in recent months by the Newark police: Joshua 12 times, and Kiairus three times.

A subject is frisked in Newark, New Jersey. No illegal materials are found.
Civil-rights activists are ecstatic that a federal judge declared the NYPD’s policy unconstitutional. But law-enforcement officials say the practice has made U.S. cities dramatically safer. Now what?
March 19, 2014 [with comments]


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