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im a survivor

01/30/06 2:17 PM

#6606 RE: chuckerfmfla #6596

LOL....yea, but I tend to be kinda long winded and repetitive, if you haven't noticed <lol>

Frankly, I dont know why we bother posting about some of these nutso's...if people cant see how blatant and obvious their agenda is they have no business investing. So, anybody reading and believing their drivel, is probably best sticking their money into a cd or something. Probably alot safer in a CD then is you listen to people with such blatant, obvious and misleading agendas...imo of course.

I look at it like this....all pennys are is is either one helluva great orchestrated scam or it is legit...if a scam, it will eventually be worthless...if legit, I would think we would hopefully be ALOT higher down the road as things develop.

MY DD leads me to believe it is not a scam so I will be patient and let the company execute and await hopefully much higher valuations...if it turns out to be a scam, then no biggie on my end...I wont be jumping off any bridges anyway and it wont be the first or last time I have been wrong. But, it is still up to each individual to do their own DD and make their own decisions....Listening to me or anybody on a message board and acting without doing real DD is a quick ticket to the welfare line, imo.....simply too many hidden agendas on message boards imo.....My agenda is simple...I am long, I admitt to being long, I think company is legit based on my own dd but could be wrong,I hope we go higher and think we will, but could be wrong....I will not rec anybody buy this stock or sell this stock as that is up to each individual.....I have never been paid one penny or given any stock compensation to either promote, pump or bash a stock and every share I own was purchased with my money in the open market.