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01/30/06 3:34 AM

#33973 RE: RJ Trotts #33971


“Jeff...tell us how you really feel?”


And just as comical and such is Clock’s recent laughable and maniacal ranting. Our good friend once again attempting to crawl out from under and otherwise futilely and laughably attempting to present as entirely logical and fitting the deeming of overall known and speculated company circumstances and such at varying points in time from day one as necessarily applicable to other points in time far distant. And sad and laughable indeed it all is. Not to mention entirely lame, stupid and shallow. And as for embarrassment and foolishness? Well lol indeed. As our hero and benefactor and his zany and more indeed ilk both here and elsewhere entirely and ongoingly make complete public forum fools of themselves. Entirely and completely publicly embarrass themselves. Entirely and completely the authors of their own misfortune/humiliation and the rest of it. And that most assuredly as stated includes said hero and benefactor who laughably and more has over time and ever so matter-of-factly in fact declared himself to be not only a complete idiot but additionally a fool and a freak even. And to additionally like our other good and laughable friend Jeff be very much self-destructively frustrated and angry and to the point yet of removing the hard way what apparently little is left of his hair. And over a sub-penny OTC play yet.


Embarrassment? Foolishness? Misfortune? Humiliation? Frustration? Anger? The laughable and indeed zany rest of it?


And now that I’ve had my fun for the day back to business...

And you’re as usual welcome of course. Always happy to provide what I can when I can. And as for the mortgages associated with the purchases of Skiershop and Stowe TV-10? Well what was the operational nature of the old PRRM? The sad part RJ is that there’s only a very few folks hanging around this board and RB who can realistically be classified as possessing actual serious brain power. The truly smart ones sadly enough being few and far between. And even the ones not demonstrably so can demonstrate a worthwhile leaning by simply enough exhibiting at the very least a willingness to learn. And with that said lets talk a little more about things overall as they now stand for our little gem. Inclusive of those two mentioned and more funding deals.

Before the Skiershop deal could be closed as intended there was a little called for ‘preparation’ required. The folding in of a little bike shop and the acquisition of some real estate for example. A complicated, multifaceted deal as we were told. A deal involving numerous financial institutions and legal reps working on behalf of myriad involved parties and so on. With as we now know some ‘personalities’ thrown into the mix for the always good measure. But it all got done in the end. It all worked out. All but for the actual LOI being formally finalized that is. And that’s been explained and is coming with the acquisition as a wholly owned subsidiary otherwise very much a done deal as we’ve been told and as additionally very clearly evidenced courtesy of our Jan. 10 PR as earlier pointed out. And when said formalizing/finalizing is complete we formally gain much. Both operationally (read cash flow and earnings) and fundamentally (read asset base). And additionally we’ve only just very recently as we all well know yet again completed our purchase of Stowe TV-10. An accomplishment that speaks for itself and otherwise serves to offset at least in part our upcoming mortgage-based funding deal. A deal that will very obviously require servicing. A deal that given the amount of money involved laughably and more once again flies in the face of our aforementioned hero and benefactor when ranting and raving maniacally and as always erroneously (as was pointed at the relevant time by yours truly but to no avail) about the Skiershop-connected real estate purchase and how same was accomplished/came to be. And so and indeed we have many positives including the pending launch of Steamboat TV-18. And of course the recent Stowe TV-10 milestone tells us additionally that limited company resources have been ongoingly (as they should be) channeled in ways and directions that would most benefit the company and its shareholders overall and long-term. Evidence of right-thinking management yet again i.e., let wait what can very much wait and focus on that of by far the greatest import. And so we do very much have things coming along very nicely. Progress being made where it very much counts the most. And with and indeed those two mentioned and more funding deals being very much part of same. With one being debt-based and the other being equity-based as spoken of. And which one will we in all likelihood be hearing about first? Well that would be from my perspective the former. And why so?

Well not as you might imagine courtesy of any grapevine-based presentments/revelations but rather courtesy of simply enough yours truly thinking as always. And clearly and rationally so. Or will it be the case that we’re talking about a PR when the time is right outlining both deals? Presenting the fundings detail in full? And if so why so? Because there’s a connection perhaps? A single source for example? Well let’s at this point proceed along entirely hypothetical lines. On the speculation and such front. And we’ll start by asking ourselves whether the equity-based funding deal amounts in actuality to an equity line of credit? Is that what we’re in fact talking about? And if so is such a good thing? Well firstly if we are talking about an equity line of credit then we’re in all likelihood also talking about the need of a registration statement (new stock issuance/issuances). One that the SEC generally by necessity and courtesy of the relevant company precipitating need declare effective. And so and thus we have a situation involving a process that can depending upon circumstances be a lengthy one. One of many weeks in fact. And same certainly adds up given overall timing issues that some of us (wink wink) are aware of. And so? And so if the equity line of credit suggestion is a valid one we’re talking about eventual post-effective draw downs accompanied by stock purchases and doubtless at a reasonable discount and very likely a percentage cost otherwise albeit a likely again reasonable one. Stock that can be sold at the purchaser’s discretion in the open market. And ergo we have my earlier reference to that CD discussion. The one which boiled down to being very much seriously lacking on the viable/workable front in light of current market level circumstances. And same becomes even more seriously lacking should the amount of money committed in total under the deal (if again it’s a valid suggestion) be significant and be significantly at the very least drawn down upon. As always it’s not exactly rocket science. And then of course we need again consider the possibility of a single source re both deals and thus a possible agreement in line with same or otherwise for that matter that could preclude the immediate or close thereto liquidation of any and all stock purchased under the equity line of credit arrangement (if again such exists). As such could certainly potentially prove mutually beneficial over time and is additionally something that very much makes sense given overall circumstances. So and certainly no shortage of considerations. No shortage of ways to look at things.

But indeed what do we actually have? Well that remains to be seen as stated but if we are (wink wink) talking about a significant and straightforward properties-secured loan with proceeds in full being advanced upon finalizing and additionally a more traditional equity line of credit arrangement then it would be my suggestion that we would far and away work with the debt-based funding initially and avail ourselves of the equity-based side of things on an as-needed basis only. But again just and exactly how it will all play out when all has been said and done we know not as there are indeed many current unknowns. Many unanswered questions. But certainly we have a great need of being capitalized and fully so and certainly we have much currently in evidence that points us in the direction of maximizing cash flow and earnings. Of greatly streamlining company operations overall and focusing on that which will very much yield the best short-term and long-term bottom-line outcomes. And good and welcome stuff it is indeed of course.

The bottom line RJ being that we go nowhere in the absence of the necessary capital to do so. And we do ourselves no overall good by hiding our heads in that proverbial sand. By approaching the situation overall with rose-colored glasses and blinders donned. We need consider all. Need look at things from every conceivable angle. And thus my mention of the outstanding stock and the possibilities there. Inclusive of that mentioned silver lining. And if with our new overall operations and more plan/approach and Skiershop formally being in the fold (read cash flow and earnings available) and our Stockli obligations being focused on as very clearly evidenced and so on we can with the aid of externally-sourced funding advance said operations overall and quickly so to desirable and more levels? Well same pretty much speaks for itself, right?

What’s currently afoot is happening very much and very obviously for the long-term good of all. For the good of the company itself and its shareholders and those yet to come, et al. And we are as stated on the verge of hearing all about much of the rest of same. That recent round of traveling and the rest of it that mention and more was recently made of. Dan having been on the road and so on. And so then and ergo an interesting week ahead as previously stated? PR #6 and then some?

Well that’s the word.

So do indeed stay tuned.

You and the rest.

And take care.

You and the rest.
