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Replies to #80 on Say What Ya Like
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X Y Zebra

05/09/01 4:03 PM

#82 RE: marcos #80

I can always count with great responses from you, had you been my history teacher way back when... my knowledge would be fresher than it is today. However I did have one good history teacher who used to warn the class at the very beginning of the year and say:

I do not care if you pay attention or not, as far as I am concern you can sleep in my class, I will give you a passing grade, I will only ask one favor of you: DO NOT INTERRUPT MY CLASS.

Then he would proceed to get into incredible political rants, (center left) that were absolutely phenomenal. He had the ability to "match" whatever history period we would be studying to an appropriate "current affair"...

The best history classes I received, not only he taught us history, but we could see in current events, how... "history repeats itself" We had alot of fun, as this teacher was full of witty critical statements and thoughts about our world "leaders", sort of... "a la Mencken" -gg-

there were Good Americans beside us towards the end, too, they marched in the parades in el DF ["American Legion', it was called i think, all volunteers, all fine examples of the best of their nation's ideals taking root in the mind of man] ...

To truly expect that all of us "will get along" we need to think in terms of humans as equals, with the particular positive and negative aspects of each region.

Yes, Mexicanos have differences with Americanos and Chinos and whatever... but we are all humans.. --even Argentinos-- -G- The time of conquistas is long gone, and should have been long gone after Imperial Rome... Howevr, so long we have the desire to draw a border line and the drive to control "al vecino", we will not succeed in treating everyone with the freedom each one deserves.

Again, Mencken puts it well...

"It is inaccurate to say I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office."

So, those who have held public offices and in charge of "our destinies", usually lack those attributes that Mencken mentions, hence, we have suffered throughout history the whims of the power hungry, aka politicians. Funny that prostitution has been scorned throughout history as a profession, yet we accept politicians as more graceful sinners...

I guess I can accept a prostitute better than I can a politician... then again, I am biased -gg-

I believe that more women are needed as nation leaders... less testosterone could do well for humanity, then --yet again, the contradiction exists-- since "Iron Lady" Thatcher proved, after all, that when a woman gets really pissed, watch out ! -gg-

I do not what awaits the future of the US/Mexico... and whatever Bushito sayz, no doubt he will have to pay attention to the large and growing hispanic population in the US... At this point the issue of the border line has become even more blurred... and I expect it to become more so since both countries are moving to a more "global" mentality (whatever that may mean). The point is I think both countries will get closer to each other, simply because it makes more sense, given that they are neighbors.

Re: Carlota ... lol !! I have known a few females with a lot more common sense than many-a-machos who preach logic and practicality to all 4 winds. This particular Carlota does not strike me as one of them since this business of the on/off main squeeze, sounds like an entertaining even interesting love story, but not necessarily "rational" then again, nothing in love is. lol.

... people just have to learn to get along, that's basic to it ... education - all comes down to that ... we need a new Vasconcelos, and maybe a Twain or Mencken to rise from the sierra ... as for me, i am being sent to the garden ... 'a tus ordenes, Capitana', aaargh ;-)

LOL !! yes, I agree, people need to get along, that is what I was talking about earlier see the Mencken quote above... I agree with you education and the ability to "see the other point of view" is what is needed... don't know if we humans will ever be capable in large scale to do that in order to sotp all the nonesense that goes on.

As for La Capitana... good luck in your personal revolucion, best to take the banner of los campesions explotados ... strike for beer brakes more often lol.