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12/02/13 7:44 PM

#159123 RE: Daxxer #159116

Daxxer, glad you shared this fantastic piece of information...definitely worth reading. Thank you so much for sharing.
For those that have not read what Daxxer posted, please read it...its good valuable information...

Glty...go FNMA


12/11/13 12:21 PM

#161670 RE: Daxxer #159116

The third amendment and the FHFA not protecting shareholders sickens me. This is not how the government is supposed to act, but as we all know, it rarely acts appropriately. It seems greed by politicians and the trust their constituents give them is nothing short of total BS. Everyone in congress needs to be replaced quickly.

Just needed to vent. Whew, now I feel better... I think.

FNMA , FMCC !!!!!!


03/04/14 4:11 PM

#183117 RE: Daxxer #159116

Best article ever. I forwarded it to my Con Law professor. Im sure she will love it too.


03/09/14 9:31 AM

#185865 RE: Daxxer #159116

Thanks for the link...
When I started reading about this,

"It takes no special acumen to realize that the 2012 transaction was completely one-sided; FHFA and Treasury used a fancy set of legal maneuvers to strip both corporations of their assets for the sole benefit of the government. Generally, senior preferred shareholders are entitled to recover their principal and interest in full, after which their shares are cancelled. In this case, the government did precisely the opposite. It treated Fannie and Freddie as gifts that keep on giving, wiping out all shareholder profits.

This breach of duty is so blatant that the only serious question is how best to unscramble the omelet."

I was blown away.

Incredible! But with our government, I guess I shouldn't be so surprised...
Look at all the BS the FDA pulls off, while they claim to be "protecting" the people!

Sure wish I had been paying attention earlier!

to all!


03/09/14 11:25 AM

#185874 RE: Daxxer #159116

Great article coming from a more reputed source. Impressive and powerful, indeed! Thanks, Daxxer. GLTY & GLTA


03/23/14 4:37 PM

#196603 RE: Daxxer #159116

Good article! The government seized billions from shareholders indeed!