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11/30/13 10:16 AM

#6280 RE: brooklyn13 #6275

Don't know about the validity of your 3 points, but using the word opprobrium in a sentence was very impressive and in your case very appropriate.

op·pro·bri·um noun \-bre-?m\

: very strong disapproval or criticism of a person or thing especially by a large number of people

Full Definition of OPPROBRIUM

: something that brings disgrace
a : public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious
b : contempt, reproach
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11/30/13 12:14 PM

#6282 RE: brooklyn13 #6275


To your first point:

Congrats to you to, that is if you do indeed have shares in Destiny.
It would had been nice to see for every 20 negative post you wrote,
you would had written one good positive thing about Destiny, like
what you NOW say, at
"Clipstream might be the most important development in video broadcast history since cable TV".
You happen to be right about that, alright.

To your second point,

again you are wrong, wrong, wrong, (just like all the other BS posting you have written on this board), in what you described as "the evil entity and bogeyman is now dead".
The court case Destiny has going on with Bruce McDonald's estate
will prove something different.

To you third point:

You now also take credit for G2's launching, in what you describe as "I will never know what role I played in the timing and style of the rollout", (I change it to I from We to get the correct interpretation),
Brooklyn is way too bashful to take full credit

Brooklyn, you arrogance is unbelievably.