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11/29/13 5:30 PM

#93973 RE: sctts #93971

thans a crying shame,that person had to be close to honest jim and knows how to make partial truth with a twist come out to deceive others,im glad an investigation was started and will be filled with joy when its done,justice too...but jim should have been on top on things with his adequacy...not accuracy,im not a stupid donkey as to confuse those 2 words nor twist them

Flat Foot

11/30/13 5:22 PM

#93977 RE: sctts #93971

$GTGP = SCAM Fairy-tale #46!

Mark C Perry

Do some research on him,

FINRA lawyer

SEC lawyer

GTGP former representative

Leaks to the SEC

Insider trading , Short sales

Do some digging into the GTGP Mark C. Perry connection

You will find your answers there

Or ask the SEC Inspector General