That's one man's opinion. The people going long are doing it on the basic fundamentals of going long: foresight for growth. Debating whether marijuana has more potential as a medical component than as a vice is pretty pointless: you're not going to find anyone to disagree with you. You're talking about 4 million in earnings in the next year, but the reality is, that wouldn't be a bad thing at all. If you look at Q2 and Q3, you'll notice drastic sales improvements in some areas, and I think it'll be interesting to see at what rate these continue to grow at. Frankly, the diluted shares business has been talked about to death, I think everyone's aware of the dilution. If the company is serious about going for an uplisting, then that's a self-remedied problem when you do a reverse-split. You're focusing too much on the dilution, in my opinion.