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03/22/14 2:34 PM

#111 RE: emailjanum #109

FINRA Updates the OTCBB/OTC Equities High Price Dissemination List


FINRA® is publishing its quarterly OTCBB/OTC Equities High Price Dissemination List, which will be available via a Unit of Trade query of the Daily List. This updated list of OTC Equity Securities eligible for trade report dissemination for trades of fewer than 100 shares will be effective March 24, 2014. All changes can be viewed by going to , selecting “Unit of Trade Changes” in the “Search by Date Range” and entering March 21, 2014 as the “From” date.
As discussed in the OTCBB April 15, 2008 News Item, for all OTC Equity Securities that trade at or above $175.00, transactions of fewer than 100 shares are no longer considered “odd-lot” transactions for dissemination purposes. Instead, FINRA has designated the unit of trade for these securities as one (1), and FINRA disseminates last sale information for all transactions of one or more shares in such securities. FINRA reviews trading activity quarterly to determine whether additional OTC equity securities meet the stated dissemination criteria.

For further information, please refer to the FINRA Trade Reporting Notice.

Contact Information: Contacts for questions: FINRA Operations 866.776.0800 or
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03/28/14 2:55 PM

#113 RE: emailjanum #109


OTCQB Fact Sheet Creating a Better Venture Stage Marketplace
Companies Currently Traded on OT CQB
OTC Markets will roll out the new procedures for
OTCQB over the course of a year. Each company
will be required to comply with the new OTCQB
procedures 120 days after its Fiscal Year End
(“FYE”). Companies that do not comply with the
new procedures within the required timeframe
will be downgraded to OTC Pink.
Companies with a March 31 FYE will be the first
group of current OTCQB companies subject to
the new requirements and will be required to
comply with the new OTCQB standards by July
31, 2014. The rollout will be complete when the
last group of current OTCQB companies with a
FYE of March 30 are required to comply on July
30, 2015.
During 2014, companies may choose to apply to
OTCQB prior to their required compliance date to
take advantage of discounted pricing.
Summary of Changes
To be eligible for OTCQB, companies will be required to:
• Meet a minimum bid price test of $0.01. Securities that do not meet the minimum bid price test will be
downgraded to OTC Pink
• Submit an application to OTCQB and pay an application and annual fee
• Submit an OTCQB Annual Certification confirming the Company Profile displayed on is current
and complete and providing additional information on officers, directors, and controlling shareholders
Additional Changes:
• International Reporting companies listed on a Qualified Foreign Stock Exchange are now eligible for OTCQB
• Banks that do not file disclosures on EDGAR will be required to post their regulatory filings on
• Securities of companies that do not either meet the OTCQB standards or qualify for OTCQX will likely continue to
be traded by broker-dealers on OTC Pink
Beginning May 1, 2014:
• Bid Test: All current OTCQB companies that
do not meet the minimum bid test (minimum
bid price of $0.01 per share as of the close of
business for at least one of the previous thirty
consecutive calendar days) will be removed
from OTCQB beginning May 1 .
• New Companies: Companies that are not on
OTCQB as of April 30, 2014 must submit an
application, pay the required fees and follow
the new procedures in order to become
traded on OTCQB. Securities will no longer
be automatically put on OTCQB when a new
Form 211 is cleared by FINRA or an OTC Pink
company becomes current in its reporting.
• International Reporting: International
Reporting companies on a Qualified Foreign
Stock Exchange may now apply to trade
OTC Markets Group is making changes to OTCQB® to make it a better venture stage marketplace. Companies
will be required to meet eligibility standards aimed at improving the information available to investors. OTCQB
will include Real-Time Level 2 quotes and the OTC Disclosure & News Service to help companies improve the
information experience for their investors. This Fact Sheet provides details on the new requirements and
rollout schedule.
SEC Reporting Companies
Initial Requirements
• Meet an initial bid price test of $0.01 as of the close of business for each of the previous 30 calendar days
• Complete and submit OTCQB Application and applicable fees
• Be current in all periodic reporting requirements on EDGAR (or for companies not required to file on EDGAR, post
SEC disclosure on the OTC Markets website)
• Post on the OTC Markets website:
4OTCQB Initial Certification (see below for details on Certification requirements)
Ongoing Requirements
• Meet an ongoing minimum bid price test of $0.01 as of the close of business for at least one of every 30 calendar days
• Post current SEC disclosure on EDGAR, or for companies that do not file on EDGAR, post current SEC disclosure on
the OTC Markets website
• Post on the OTC Markets website:
4OTCQB Annual Certification
Bank Reporting Companies
Initial Requirements
• Meet an initial bid price test of $0.01 as of the close of business for each of the previous 30 calendar days
• Complete and submit OTCQB Application and applicable fees
• Post on the OTC Markets website:
4 Previous two years’ disclosure that was filed with the company’s bank regulator (except that information
deemed non-public does not need to be posted)
4 OTCQB Initial Certification (see below for details on Certification requirements)
Ongoing Requirements
• Meet an ongoing minimum bid price test of $0.01 as of the close of business for at least one of every 30 calendar days
• Post on the OTC Markets website:
4 Disclosure that is filed with the company’s bank regulator (except that information deemed non-public does not
need to be posted)
4 OTCQB Annual Certification
International Reporting Companies
Initial Requirements
• Meet an initial bid price test of $0.01 as of the close of business for each of the previous 30 calendar days
• Complete and submit OTCQB Application and applicable fees
• Be compliant with SEC Rule 12g3-2(b) and be listed on a Qualified Foreign Exchange
• Submit a “Letter of Introduction” from a qualified PAL which states the PAL has a reasonable belief that the Company
is in compliance with 12g3-2(b), is listed on a Qualified Foreign Exchange, and has posted required disclosure on
OTC Markets website
• Post on the OTC Markets website:
4 Previous two years’ of disclosure required under 12g3-2(b) in English (except press releases)
4 OTCQB Initial Certification (see below details on Certification requirements)
Ongoing Requirements
• Meet an ongoing minimum bid price test of $0.01 as of the close of business for at least one of every 30 calendar days
• Post on the OTC Markets website:
4 Disclosure required under 12g3-2(b) in English, including Quarterly Reports and audited Annual Reports (except
press releases)
4 OTCQB Annual Certification
Requirements :OTCQB
Annual Certification
Each OTCQB company must post initial and annual certification on the OTC Markets website, signed by the CEO
and/or the CFO which states the following:
• The company’s reporting standard (e.g. SEC Reporting, Bank Reporting, or International Reporting) and briefly
describe the registration status of the company
• That the company is current in its reporting obligations to its regulator and such information has been posted
either on EDGAR or the OTC Markets website
• Indicates the Law Firm and/or Attorneys involved in helping the company prepare its Annual Report or 10-K
• Confirms that the company profile on the OTC Markets website is current and complete
• Confirms the total shares outstanding and in the public float as of the most recent fiscal year end
• Names and shareholdings of all officers and directors, as well as beneficial shareholders who hold more than 5%
of outstanding shares
• Application Fee. There is a one-time application fee of $2,500 for new companies upgrading to OTCQB.
Application Fee is waived for current OTCQB companies
• Annual Fee. $10,000 per year
• Introductory Annual Fee. For current OTCQB companies that apply for OTCQB in 2014, the Annual Fee shall be
discounted to $7,500 for each of the first two years (a total discount of $5,000 or 25%)
ABOUT OT C MARKETS GROUP: OTC Markets Group Inc. operates Open, Transparent and Connected financial
marketplaces for 10,000 U.S. and global securities. To learn how OTC Markets Group creates better informed and
more efficient financial marketplaces, visit OTC Link® ATS is operated by OTC Link LLC,
member FINRA/SIPC and SEC registered Alternative Trading System.
Follow us:
OTCQB Premium Services
OTCQB includes the following premium marketplace services:
OT C Disclosure & News Service enables companies to share reports, news, videos, investor presentations
and more
Real-Time Level 2 Quotes available for free to all investors on and on your company IR
website (via API link, as requested)
OT CIQ Quote & Trade History Dashboard
Dedicated Support Line
CONTACT US // +1.212.896.4420 //
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04/05/14 3:32 AM

#114 RE: emailjanum #109

BREAKING: Congress Does Something--Pushes $127 Billion in Tax Breaks

In a clear sign that Congress remains light years away from tax reform, the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday approved a bill to renew a grab-bag of tax provisions and loopholes that cost the Treasury billions of dollars annually and help a wide array of special interests, businesses and families.

Related Stories

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Tax-Break Revival Said to Get U.S. Senate Committee Vote Bloomberg
Breaks For Commuters, Horses, Research Said to Get Vote Bloomberg
Lapsed Tax Breaks Get New Life as Panel Votes to Extend Bloomberg
U.S. Congress renews annual temporary tax laws fight Reuters

The tax breaks and credits cover not only corporate research and development, alternative and renewable energy and mass transit, but also major corporate land transactions, movie and TV production, NASCAR track operations and race horse owners.

Related: Senate Democrats Push a Hodge-Podge of Tax Measures

These dozens of tax credits have never been permanent in the federal tax code, but instead have been repeatedly granted temporary extension over the years, which is why they’re known on Capitol Hill as “tax extenders.”

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), the new chairman of the Finance Committee, had signaled recently that he wasn’t going to tolerate business as usual, and was determined to scale back some of these expiring provisions to save the government money. By the time the dust settled yesterday, however, the committee had reauthorized all of the existing tax breaks – and threw in a few new ones for good measure. Members did it by voice vote, so that their names were not directly linked to this massive tax giveaway.

The two year price tag of the package is roughly $127 billion in lost revenue.

“Talk about taking wind out the tax reform sails,” said Steve Ellis of Taxpayers for Common Sense, a government spending watchdog group. “Speaking of which, the wind production tax credit got added back. This is a very inauspicious start to comprehensive tax reform in the new Chairman Wyden era.”

Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, added her voice of disappointment to the tax reform backtracking by Wyden and the committee:

"There is a tremendous amount of time, energy and money going into protecting special tax breaks with very little attention to paying for the costs,” she said in a statement. “What this country should be doing is overhauling the disaster of a tax code to make us more competitive, grow the economy and reduce the debt. Instead we are seeing Washington at its very worst as special interests and members of Congress run to protect their favorite tax breaks."

Wyden found himself on the defensive and promised that this would be the last time these provisions were reauthorized without a major rewrite in the tax code.

Related: Dave Camp, Tax Warrior, Makes Last Stand on Reform

“By passing this bill, the Finance Committee has put an expiration date on the status quo,” he said. “The stop and go nature of these tax extenders contributes to the lack of certainty and predictability…. But it makes no sense to let these incentives disappear without a comprehensive reform proposal to replace them when jobs, innovation and research, and people's homes are on the line.”

The next stop for the extenders is the Senate floor, where members will have to go on record next week for or against the multi-billion-dollar tax package. Assuming the bill is approved, it then goes to the House, where Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) is trying to push through genuine comprehensive tax reform before he retires at the end of the year.

So what’s in the Senate Finance Committee package? Here are many of the two-year provisions, as compiled by Taxpayers for Common Sense:

Related: Obama Looks to Tax Reform to Save America’s Highways

Tax Credits for research and experimentation. Companies that have benefited from this provision include Microsoft Corp., Boeing Co., United Technologies Corp., Electronic Data Systems Corp. and Harley-Davidson. Estimated cost: $6 billion over two years.
Tax break for reducing mortgage debt on a principal residence. Estimated cost: $3.48 billion over two years.
First-year corporate property depreciation deduction. Estimated cost $81.7 billion.
Real property expenses purchased in the conduct of business. Estimated cost $19.3 billion over two years.

Related: America’s Top Five Tax Breaks
Mortgage insurance premiums deductions on qualified residence. Estimated cost $1.06 billion over two years.
Deduction for state and local sales taxes. Estimated cost $3.38 billion over two years.
Deduction for tuition and related expenses. Estimated cost $359 million over two years.
Tax-free distributions from individual retirement plans for charitable purposes. Estimated cost $881 million over two years.
New markets tax credit for investments in corporations or partnerships. Estimated cost: $7 million over two years.
Railroad track maintenance credit. Estimated cost $279 million over two years.
Three-year cost recovery benefit for certain race horses. Kentucky Derby horses are three-year-olds. Then they make a lot more money in stud fees. Estimated cost $97 million over two years.

Related: Tax Reform Proposal Divides Republicans
A $1 per gallon tax credit for biodiesel, as well as the small agro-biodiesel producer credit of 10 cents per gallon. Estimated cost $2.6 billion over 10 years.
Work opportunity tax credit for employers hiring disadvantaged people. Estimated cost $1.4 billion over two years.
15-year cost recovery for restaurant, and retail building upgrades. Estimated cost $340 million over two years.
Credit for Plug-in Electric Motorcycles. Estimated cost $2 million over ten years.
Rebate on rum excise taxes imposed on Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Estimated cost $310 million over two years.
A 30 percent investment tax credit for alternative vehicle refueling property, which includes fuel pumps for ethanol, biodiesel, liquefied hydrogen, and compressed or liquefied natural gas. Estimated cost $8 million over 10 years.
A production tax credit for cellulosic biofuel production facilities, allowing claims of a $1.01 per gallon production tax credit. Estimated cost $55 million over 10 years.

Here are some of the provisions excluded from the original markup that have been added back in before final passage:
Credit for nonbusiness energy property. Estimated cost $1.005 billion over two years.
Credits for producing energy from certain renewable resources. Estimated cost $191 million.
Seven-year recovery period for motorsports entertainment complexes. Estimated cost $15 million.
Energy efficient commercial buildings deduction. Estimated cost $282 million.
Special expensing rules for certain film, television, and theatrical productions. Estimated cost $424 million.
Modification of work opportunity tax credit. Estimated cost $1.575 billion.