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11/26/13 5:22 PM

#66827 RE: floydborga #66823

Hi Floyd,
I guess anything is possible, and I think that all of us at times think negatively. Sometimes, no matter how strongly we feel about the company, our minds tend to wander the worst case scenarios.

I have no fears about number one. Since I do not comprehend the science as much as some here, I do think about number two. That is probably my biggest concern that MS will not be able to be made in sufficient quantities.

As far as number three, I do not think that at all, since Mr. Howland would have never signed a deal without being certain that MS is all that it's made up to be.

As always, there could be some unforeseen event which could happen to challenge the capabilities of the company. However, I feel confident, and I will be here until the very end of the road...


11/26/13 5:34 PM

#66828 RE: floydborga #66823

My honest answers...

#1. Kim is doing just fine. There is a problem with people like you and I expecting things, when we dont really have a clue of what it takes to accomplish the thing.
Like Kim hatched the first production run. We would expect that 45 days later we have silk but the fibers could be stuck in customs for 3 months. We dont know what it really takes so we assume that the silk should already be in warwicks machines.

So while it has taken 3 years from actually having a worm with spider dna in it, to production and "sales" of the fiber it is still not slow by any means. 1000 days is not many when it can take 30 of them just to transport the fibers (realistically).

#2 has already been taken care of. We are in production. But that would not mean that habitat or food supply etc cant make the silk variable. We will want consistent food and processes(I assume is handled) and the silk variables should be nominal

#3 MS IMO has already proven itself to be what it claims.
Warwick is not a company that would be fooled by anything a pinky investor will be tricked by. MS is real and is good or warwick wouldnt be involved. Neither would UND,UW,SIAL,SSM etc.


there are so many things that can go wrong in any business that "other" always applies. But the reason you put money in any stock or take money out of any stock is risk.
Risk here is what it is. If you bought before today the risk has done nothing but diminish. There are always risks.

IMO the biggest issue for Kim is supply of silk. We need 3 or 4 silk farms to be a "serious" investment.

The largest threat IMO is someone like RL or amsilk actually making a fiber. It hasnt been done. That doesnt mean it cant be done. Until Kim is firmly established in the silk business the others will be a threat. Because the glamour involved, finding funding for companies like Spiber continues and it pretty easy to get.
Everyone is "the first". but nobody is there yet.
Whoever is first will kick the others off the hill. That is why I am invested here. IMO KBLB looks to be in first place and the finish line is a few weeks off.

first mike

11/27/13 11:02 AM

#66848 RE: floydborga #66823

It is always "other"!
If what I knew about the company were not good I would not be here.
It is all the unlikely unknowns that make development stage stocks risky.
A blue chip with a large income base has some buffer against disaster, a start up has little or none.
That is why no one should ever invest more money in any start up than they can afford to lose without pain.

That said, ALL of my risk money is in KBLB.
In my opinion it is by far the best game in town.

Mike L.