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11/25/13 8:00 PM

#13260 RE: rosen62 #13259



11/25/13 10:22 PM

#13261 RE: rosen62 #13259

Very Nice Indeed! Is this the United States of America (A super power) or some POS third world country like Argentina?


11/28/13 11:11 AM

#13290 RE: rosen62 #13259

Shareholders' rights. Act II

Mr. Kiciloff said today in regards to Repsol's expropriation:

Kicillof se justificó hoy tras el acuerdo alcanzado con Repsol y dijo que “es imposible no pagar una indemnización porque es ilegal. Lo manda la ley de expropiación”.

Translation of bold: "it is impossible not to pay compensation because it is illegal. It is mandatory by the Confiscatory Law."

This, from a self-proclaimed Marxist.

Puts to shame the US government (I am a US citizen).