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11/25/13 4:30 PM

#216180 RE: varmit #216130


You can't begin to imagine how happy I would be if you were right and I was wrong. I would love to be wrong. I would stand up in the streets and announce, "I was wrong." I might even shave my head. Well, I wouldn't do that because I would look ridiculous with a shaved head.

However, common sense tells me that this is a dead stick and it has been for a long time. I do like to give you a hard time about the spelling, but just to clarify, there is no correlation between spelling and intelligence, so don't take it too personally! As a point of reference, you should note that people tend to dismiss written work if there are spelling mistakes. Enough about that!

If you are correct Varmit and we are indeed about to win big, can you give readers a timeline as to when all of this big money is going to show up in our accounts?

Class is in session and I am waiting for instructions!