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11/23/13 5:20 PM

#8695 RE: Richie R #8694

Actually I think the product is pretty cool. New, innovative, etc.....

Only three questions for now.... I am not so sure you can just roll out the product without regulatory approval. Hanging of attaching this type of thing to a wheel would probably need approval form the equivalent of our department of transportation. Here is the U.S. I am pretty sure they would need to be approved before selling.

Second question is what about cleaning them? It rains just less than half the year in Thailand. And I mean rain. what about all the dirt, muddy water, etc.? I am not so sure it is practical to expect a moto taxi driver to clean it at every stop. During the dry season there is tons of pollution that sticks on everything.... just ask the people that live there, all this makes for a dirty display.

The third question is about theft. In Thailand people don't leave stuff laying around. It disappears. In essence you have a similar product as a LED TV set.

On a final note they have filed their patent. Most patents can be worked around. In this type of set up, filing a patent for attaching an LED tv (for lack of a better term) on wheels is a little vague and broad. Sure, you can patent your exact way of doing it but you can't patent a broad use application. That would be like saying "I found a way to put two wheels on a bike frame so every bike that has two wheels falls under my patent". This is what courts overturn as being "too broad".....

Otherwise a cool product, I am sure they have a niche market but given the issues I outlined above. I think you need to step back and ask objective questions.