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11/22/13 3:43 PM


I hope you right, but....not looking good at the moment!


11/22/13 3:48 PM


A&C, Good luck with that. I have held FREE way too long and I am out now (today); it has become an unknown quantity. It is a trader's penny stock for certain. Your realization will come about at a 5 for 1 stock split. I don't even think the FREE execs give a rat's patoot if FREE goes Pink. It is a dilution machine now and what we had believed 2 months ago (debt free) has become 'only on two ships'. This is a shipping company whereby it can't possibly make enough earnings to reward it's once loyal share holders! GLTA and I hope I am wrong...I am going away nevertheless.



11/23/13 11:49 AM


This baby will run once the two ships are released from the creditors and the other ships are repaired....wait for the news

Late-season rains boosted U.S. crops more than the government said last month, R.J. O’Brien & Associates predicted today. Corn production will rise to 13.91 billion bushels, above the USDA forecast of 13.843 billion estimated Sept. 12, the broker said in an e-mailed report to clients. Soybean output will rise to 3.211 billion, above the government’s forecast of 3.149 billion.

At the same time, a decline in the U.S. dollar means that soybeans are cheaper to export. In the past, the Argentine peso and the Brazilian real have been valued below the dollar resulting in their soybeans costing less than U.S. soybeans in the international marketplace, as soybeans are generally priced in U.S. dollars...

No need to stick a fork in FREE yet...

Global Grain Trade