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01/26/06 10:24 PM

#7574 RE: ontheedge01 #7572


"No, I never reeled in one person to Loch Harris, never was paid one finders fee or received one penny of commission for reeling in anyone to invest in Loch Harris."

It's your words on a public message board against an official document filed in a court of law.

The SEC never has and never will have anything to do with the business of a company. It's not its function. As its name says, it has to do with Securities and Exchange. I thought you should know that.


01/27/06 12:18 PM

#7606 RE: ontheedge01 #7572

Gentleman Edge,

"No, I never reeled in one person to Loch Harris, never was paid one finders fee or received one penny of commission for reeling in anyone to invest in Loch Harris."

The question is: Who is "I"? Is "I" Robert Stewart?

"Could you copy the SEC filing where the SEC cleared Blair and dismissed his case. tia"

Sorry, no can do. It's one of those files that doesn't copy in the regular way. If lmorovan can tell me how to do it I will.

Here's the dope:

United States District Court
For The Northern District of Texas
Fort Worth Division

Misc. No. 4:01-MC-0005-A


Upon consideration of the Joint Motion to Dismiss claims against Respondent Henry H. Blair ("Respondent") made by Plaintiff Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") and the Respondent, and upon consideration that the Respondent has fully complied with the subpoena duces tecum issued and served by the Commission on the Respondent.
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that all claims against the Respondent are dismissed with each party to bear its own costs.

August 25, 2001

John H. McBryde