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11/22/13 12:09 AM

#12443 RE: Bsav88atty #12438

Congrats on your purchase today Bsav. You are so right, looking at SCRC from 30K feet gives you a whole different perspective than some on this board want you to believe. The future is so bright for SCRC I just hope any new investors aren't swayed away because of a few who try to get folks to sell low for their own future gain. Attacking one individual on a 10K is an interesting strategy to employ. Bob Schneirderman has laid the groundwork for a tremendous 2014. Go SCRC!!!
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11/22/13 12:18 AM

#12444 RE: Bsav88atty #12438

I must say that the view from 40,000 feet and higher looks pretty darn good to me.

It does, especially if China gets locked and loaded, that's for sure.

But it is the trip to the top of the mountain that can be treacherous. Again, not saying we won't get there, but simply saying it won't be easy and still requires a lot of work.

The big near-term thing from the Q that stood out to me was that it seemed that SCRC is basically planning on securing $4M in financing (much needed, I might add) by the end of Q4. I anticipate this occuring because the CEO's 2014 salary is riding on it and the first paycheck will need to be cut two weeks into January at the latest. This financing is needed in order to actually launch RapiMeds, which another part of the Q clearly states.

Factoring in the standard 40% discount, based upon today's closing price of .14/share, this translates to almost 50,000,000 additional shares of dilution looming in the near term.

I may like the view at 40k feet as much as you do, but for the sake of your book, I would urge you to consider taking your flight off of auto-pilot at certain points of the journey when inclement weather unexpectedly surrounds you, and to detour around the weather system in order to get back on the path of blue skies. Not trying to convince you to do anything, my friend, but I just don't want you to look out the cockpit window and not see that directly to your 12 are the Himalayas hiding behind the next bank of clouds...