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11/21/13 7:39 PM

#88982 RE: shermann7 #88979

Obama's Disdain For The Constitution Means We Risk Losing Our Republic

Funny how Forbes didn't think we were 'Losing Our Republic' when Bush took us war and lied about WMD in Iraq but now that the black guy is trying to put our nation on par with the rest of the civilized world by giving us some sort of health care.....OMG!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!

“I have the power and I will use it in defense of the middle class,” he has said. “We’re going to do everything we can, wherever we can, with or without Congress.” There are a number of names for the system Mr. Obama envisions, but representative government is not one of them.

Exactly Mr.'re exactly right!!!! This dysfunctional government will NEVER AGREE to ANYTHING you want so JUST DO IT if you can without the FASCISTS who are trying to destroy the country from within.

HARRY REID ROCKED TODAY!!!!! Maybe we'll finally get some justices who somewhat care about the constitution!!!


11/21/13 8:07 PM

#88988 RE: shermann7 #88979

another whiny distortion .. from a guy who is right up at the top of why we Would NOT let you paultards and beckerheaded teabaggers nullify the election .. All the hate/lies/distortions you've posted all over ihub ..thank yourself too, for encouraging all the wrong in our congress ... oh . .boy! . .Can't wait to see what the 'NeoConfedrate spits out! ... lolol .. OH btw, JUST KIDDING! . .i never read anything that racist texas paul,cruz/alex jones,rockwell and anyone else who is associated with the paul freak! . Heck! he can't even find his own damn FREEDOMS!


11/22/13 11:26 AM

#89001 RE: shermann7 #88979

What a crock of Republican BS propaganda!

The Constitution authorizes the President to propose and veto legislation. It does not authorize him to change existing laws.

If you Teabaggers really had a case here you'd take him to court. After everything you've done to stop the ACA, if you were right, this should be a piece of cake. The fact that you haven't done so proves you're just blowing smoke.

The ACA, like most legislation, grants the Executive Branch broad powers to implement the law. He's acting within the powers granted by Congress for him to draw up the regulations necessary for a smooth implementation. IF HE'S DOING SOMETHING UNCONSTITUTIONAL, PROVE IT IN A COURT OF LAW!


11/22/13 11:45 AM

#89005 RE: shermann7 #88979

The REPUBLIC is dead. These hypocrites are just now beginning their reign of terror.


11/22/13 12:20 PM

#89016 RE: shermann7 #88979


POLITICO’s Manu Raju: “He once called the ‘nuclear option’ an ‘un-American’ move that would destroy the Senate and ‘ruin our country.’

But on Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did it anyway. He took the unprecedented step of gutting Senate filibuster rules for presidential nominees on a straight party-line vote, a high-stakes gambit that could have enormous implications for future presidents, reshape an institution he’s served in for 26 years, and ultimately define Reid’s legacy … As some of his fellow Democratic senators remained on the fence, Reid called in a heavy hitter to close the deal: President Barack Obama, according to sources familiar with the matter.

“Obama personally called senators on Wednesday to back the move, and Reid ultimately won the vote on a slim margin, 52-48. Just three Democrats broke with Reid: the retiring Carl Levin of Michigan, the moderate Joe Manchin of West Virginia and the vulnerable Mark Pryor of Arkansas. When the seismic moment finally came, shell-shocked senators in both parties couldn’t believe that Reid pulled the trigger — and were grasping to understand the far-reaching ramifications. Asked how history would remember him after this move, Reid told POLITICO: ‘I don’t write history.’”