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11/21/13 8:43 AM

#88881 RE: n4807g #88879

Higher labor costs ironically mean cheaper machines.... Whooda thunk? Sheesh.


11/21/13 11:18 AM

#88926 RE: n4807g #88879

Maybe FUGOFF works there!!!!!!!!!! LOL



11/21/13 4:59 PM

#88966 RE: n4807g #88879

n4807g, it is a good article .. really thought i had posted it, but can't find it, or one that looks like it so guess not .. anyway .. the point is that McDonald's has gained, and the USA has lost, because of a longstanding virulent ideological anti-worker position in your country .. leading to exploitative dismal wage levels .. and so to less money circulating in the consumer, which you know costs jobs .. as the consumer is the chief job creator, whatever so many of your billionaire hoarder political drivers/social parasites like to say .. not all, but too many .. now just so my search wasn't a total waste of time here are some i came across .. i hope you find at least a couple of them interesting, too ..

lol .. ""We wanted to take swift action," Mueller-Curran said. "Our employees have always been our No. 1 priority.""

Worker wages: Wendy's vs. Wal-Mart vs. Costco

Proposed New McDonalds Agreement .. downunder, one bit ..

really .. is that why they pay them such a good wage .. and because they had
to be sued to provide the option the law says they had to in the first place ..

McDonalds could pay an obesity tax the corporation is so corpulent.

"fake-tasting stuff" .. "one of the grossest combinations of grease and
sugar" ever contrived .. the Koch/Santelli inspired TeaParty GOP or/and ..

Aussie burger buyers abandoning McDonald's

.. today is kinda my JFK assassination anniversary day, just in a date sense, of course .. there were many of the kind that prompted the negative comment above toward some of the most wealthy in Dallas around that time .. sadly, too many of their children and others have not yet learned much at all about some obvious things that would help toward a more just, more fair and more equitable society in your USA .. some easy things which over time would contribute to a healthier social situation in the USA .. 50 years .. think about it ..