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11/20/13 11:20 PM

#10961 RE: derrickcan #10960

I can not even beleive you ask that question.Not pissed just want the facts to be true not fabricated which we all are paying for.

Every time this so called attorney,CCFO.CCEO (MAZA) or whatever the freck he calls himself moves a pen it cost (all) shareholders money,shares while he sits on a toilet billing the company imho.

We went from having a (Genius in the head chair) to a (idiot) that only copies and paste SEC filings with changes that are only stricking imho and misses most.

I'm going to put a stop to this so help me god!

Example Chassman 16.3% to 11% which is about 8.25% as of the last filing.Its material and must be disclosed just like the (lawsuit) pending plantiff or defendant because its a material event!

This is no game its about dollars,shares of ILNS.I'm dam tired of Maza which is at the root of the problem regarding Dr.Chain's so called leaving the company IMHO.

From the filings its clear as day Chain is the C.E.O. if not its a freaking blunder regarding the last (2)filings.

Maza withheld vital info regarding the patent over 100 days and alot of other info that should have been disclosed that
I'm aware of long ago and its cost all of us alot of money.

I already sent Chain a email today and play time is over.

The best thing for all shareholders is for Chain to take the lead until major events occur,sale partnership or the TauC3 report or a array of other events which is in the best interst of all shrareholders even a settlement of the lawsuit and for Maza to resign!

They going to force me to come to N.Y.If I do its a press conference being held.Then a array of events that will occur.

I already said these mothers aint going to eat turkey,christmas dinner and celebrate news years while #1 (me) all shareholders continue to be screwed.

Chain is the calm type.He was raised that way but this feces storm stops going forward or I make its my lifes mission to see all legal action is taking.

I hope you can handle ny comments.I'm a shareholder and want sell a single share until major events occur.

I've a spine,backbone and this is not just about me.Its about every soul invested into this company that has been put through pure hell!


11/20/13 11:49 PM

#10962 RE: derrickcan #10960

Let me tell you something else before it counts on tomorrows post.

Dr.Chain is a fine man.The only thing he ever done wrong was have compassion and Julies is a fine man and I take the 5th to my death bed.

Maza imho is a idiot.He breached his fiducary duties with ILNS and no doubt at BZNE.If you think he cares about anyone but himself you better have a drink cause I've had several.

On May 19/13 Maza the only officer,director of ILNS was made aware of all issues.

This was his responce.I tell you this I don't care if he was full time or part time.

As a director/officer of ILNS he had a fiduciary duties.Civil,criminal and SEC laws.

He breached his duties then.He breached them withholding major events afterwards like withholding patent news (ILNS) 100 days and other major events.

Resign or fry!

This was his responce.Now I say get your cornies to sell ILNS stock and I will be in N.Y. before turkey day.Maza you are scum imho.I think I might pass along info to Johnson & Weaver,LLP to see you lose.

I am a director of Intellect with a full time job elsewhere. I am unaware of the conversations that you refer to below.

Currently I am spending my spare time taking inventory and safeguarding Intellect's assets following Dr. Chain's resignation. The other director and I will attend to shareholder concerns once I complete my current task.

I appreciate your concern.

Elliot Maza

I've all emails and a 50 minute tape recorded conversation.