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11/19/13 4:39 PM

#24048 RE: Pian0wire #24047

UNQT reported great profits at one time and now take a look. They are just paper profits.

10 bagger

11/19/13 5:04 PM

#24051 RE: Pian0wire #24047

PAINO WIRE.. "10 bagger ...
I am not able to reply privately. How do you know so much about this stock? It has to eventually stop being converted. What about the revenue??? Those aren't bad numbers compared to what I've seen before.... Seriously"

Because I fell for it hook line and sinker when it had but 8.5 million shares outstanding and could'nt for the life of me why it would not go any place but down.. I thought I had done extensive research and DD BUT,, I called the company three times and on the last call I asked a nice lady why I couldn't get a call back.. She replied if She could help and I asked her what were the shares outstanding were and she told me 23.5 Million.. At that time I owned almost 2 Mil and the stock was trading in the Pennies.. Several on the Board had more shares and swore that there was a short interest that was big enough to create a corner on the market..

The next day I got a call from Solkin and he told me not to worry because the most anyone could convert to was 9.9% but left out the fact that if they sell any shares they may always be replaced.. Soon the shares hit 30 Mil but by that time I was out of my 4% inital interest in the company.. Here I was worried about geting to 5% and having to file not knowing I could never be there.. So It has continued and even tough the stock sometimes never trades 10% of shares outstanding per month the conversions continue.. The company is controlled thru the preferred so ownership of the company is never in doubt..

About 3 times a year a new group or letter comes which excites a new group looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and shares are bought in ernest but never enough to let the stock move except on the first day before the conversion stock hits the market hard.. This is but a typical push..

I have decited to move on As I trade in over 75 stocks at present which are highlighted at my board on the bottom of this post and while this helps some I see no reason to try any longer to help those that refuse to listen.. Se Ya at $0.0005 when it will be time to reload and wait for the next push.. hank


11/19/13 5:07 PM

#24052 RE: Pian0wire #24047

Pian0wire, as long as there is convertible debt out there and no restrictions on converting other than the max shares anyone can hold at any single time, conversions will continue. To this point, it appears ACGX prefers to allow the debt to fully convert into shares, rather than paying the debt down with any available company funds. As long as that remains the case, larger hits of dilution from new conversions can be expected and will continue to put ACGX in a long term downward PPS Trend.

Keep in mind that this is not necessarily a bad thing for the company, as the company can let the debt convert into shares, then once it is all converted, R/S the share structure, then have a nice low O/S without the convertible debt hanging over it. That being said, those holding long would obviously be hurt by that, but those buying after the R/S(assuming convertible debt gone at that time probably at least a year down the road)should be able to trade on the actual income statements, as the PPS would be more reflective of any net income at that time with no convertible debt weighing down the equation.

That being said, what if ACGX took the $300K that they stated was unused on their new bank line and made an offer to the debt holders for a sizeable paydown in exchange for a 12 month moratorium on new conversions? For at least the next nine months, you would see the stock trading higher, then depending on what new arrangements had been made after nine months, could be longer. Of course, that would mean using company funds to pay down the convertibles, rather than converted shares. While this would be the best option for the shareholders,this may not be the best choice for the CEO and the company in the long run.


11/19/13 6:43 PM

#24064 RE: Pian0wire #24047

Not true. As long as there is volume they can say anything. Truth is in the eye of the bagholder right? Or is it?

What would Confucius say? Would he like so many seek to only confuse us?