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Sea Pigeon

11/19/13 11:27 AM

#24859 RE: Sea Pigeon #24858

I always wonder if information has gone missing over the years, for example, when APDN was delinquent on some filings and the ticker changed. I'm sure I remember Hayward writing an open letter to investors but I'm darned if I can find it.


11/19/13 1:24 PM

#24885 RE: Sea Pigeon #24858

Yeah Sea Pigeon and A$10Mill on the time period of the Guiliani Rumor and missing SEC filings. APDN riding at a couple bucks and a half (making Shail quiver with anticipation on that right there alone:).

2005? or so. Just a couple years before me, but I agree with Sea Pigeon there was a lot at the time on it. Even 2007, hitting the skids. I'm remembering APDN being in a lot of trouble with SEC while they were still in California. The Guiliani rumor seemed to tie into Dr. James Hayward riding in and dragging the company into the Stony Brook University umbrella. That was a real plus in my mind. Still is actually. Just not the guarantee I thought it was.

Can't find any term that may apply to the wild swinging trading pattern on a minimal volume today. I do like "NAKED SHORT SALES" and feel that can be applied anytime. But it's scientifically proven I'm clinically brain damaged. Shooting from the hip as best I can now. Sure can't find much to go on today.