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01/26/06 10:36 AM

#900 RE: simpsonrc1 #899

sadly i believe simpson is on to something....can't argue with his observation....i know we're signing up firms all over the world, but we don't have hard $ amounts if any so all we can do is guess....and what i've seen is nada in terms of revs for abew....

i hope we make it, but the story has holes....


01/28/06 4:03 PM

#903 RE: simpsonrc1 #899

LOL!!! You're calling me a "shameless hyper"? Isn't that kind of like the kettle calling the pot black? You need to chill out Simpson. First of all, I agree that TI advertises ABEW on their web site so that anyone can access ABEW's software for testing purposes. (I never said they didn't!!!)

However, after they've downloaded ABEW's software and conducted their testing, can you guess WHO they're going to establish a license agreement with? Hmmmmmmmm Doesn't take a genuis to figure that out does it? In fact this why I believe we have many more contracts--oh, excuse me--license agreements that will be announced in the near future. It sure is great to be the only ZigBee software provider to be ADVERTISED on TI's web site. I wonder why Airbee Wireless was chosen? Hmmmmmmmmm

As far as your statement that TI will sell Chipcon's radios with figure8's software...that has yet to be determined. I believe that TI will eventually change the software in Chipcon's radios to use Airbee Wireless because I don't think TI's chips can operate with figure8's software. Hey, I could be wrong but that's my opinion. Obviously you feel differently. No need to have a heart-attack just because you disagree with my opinion. It just ain't worth it pal.

Have an ice cold one on me.
