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04/23/03 12:54 AM

#11058 RE: austin01 #11056

Austin I very much appreciate that feeling. Do not forget that your number 1 asset is yourself. If this thing bellys up all is not lost. I do not know your goals but you do mention being in the red. My friend you cannot sit around banking on this. Asking redundant questions that no one knows the answer to does not help your cause either in my opinion.

I have a slogan hanging on my bathroom wall. It is headlined, Why Worry. There are only two things to worry about. Either you are well or you are sick. If you are well there is nothing to worry about. If you are sick there are only two things to worry about. Either you get better or you die. If you die there are only two things to worry about. Either you go to heaven or you go to hell. If you go to heaven there is nothing to worry about. If you go to hell you'll be so damb busy shaking hands with friends you wont have time to worry.

My point here is that first of all what happens with this stock is completely out of our control. We have no control what so ever! You're already committed so why worry. One of two things is going to happen. You are either going to be rich or poor. If you end up poor things will be simple like they are now. If you become rich you'll be so damb busy trying to hang onto that money! :)

Anyway that is what sucks about stock you have no control over the value. Or maybe not? How about that pinhead over at the bull. He is trying to manipulate the price of this stock. I can only dream up 3 scenarios for that schmuck. He wants to drive the price down so he can buy cheap. He works for a competing company. Or he is the king of all morons.

In my opinion if there is any help we can do for this company at this point there are two things we could do. One is keep the posts on this board positive. Because if any new investors come here to read they might not run to the hills with there tails between their legs. One might say I am saying not to question or hypothesize. I am not saying that, just to refrain from asking redundant unconscious incompetent questions that no one could possibly no the answer to. The second is to offer some praise to the guys running this company. For example Ray. I have seen this guy bashed over and over. I have never spoken or met him in my life. I would guess that we have some things in common though. My second business that I opened was figured to cost me $80,000 to open. It cost me $120,000. I had a tough time meeting my first payroll and it was I at the edge of the gates of hell for the next 5 years. I did not pay my bills by the month, nor by the week, I paid by the day and which one was the highest priority. I ended up short on my payroll taxes at the end. 5,000 not paid turned into a $20,000 fine. Personally I look at it as a success. There were lessons learned that no school could ever teach. These points were driven home so to speak. One thing that happens to you in a loser situation is no one wants to be your friend and people walk on you; almost take advantage of your weak state. It's hard on the head. So when I see people accusing Ray of dilution I think unconscious incompetent. You have two choices dilution or bankruptcy. But that isn't my point my point is I'll bet Ray has had his own challenges. I'll say right now to Ray Thank You for busting your nuts trying to make this thing happen. I have faith in you and Brad and the rest making this thing happen. You're right on the edge! Give 125%! Get a good deal for that movie! Get a loan if you need it to make things happen. Your so close make it happen!

A little praise goes a long ways. Let me give you an example. I still have not full recovered from business number two. A bunch of people that truly do not know who I am, but know me, still think of me as a loser. To put that in perspective some of these people are in my family. They do not take one thing I say as valid because of my failure. The praise that was offered me on this board made me giddy. Send these guys at NVEI some praise emails. It will probably help on your return. To all of you good luck and fortune.


04/23/03 9:30 AM

#11062 RE: austin01 #11056

Austin: Groovemaster is certainly correct about the "worrying" part. There are TWO types of situations that one can be faced with. A situation where you HAVE CONTROL and a situation where you DON'T HAVE CONTROL.

It makes no sense to worry about something that you HAVE CONTROL of because if you have control, then take control. It also makes no sense to worry about situations where you DON'T HAVE CONTROL. Because if you don't have control no amount of worrying will change that situation and make it better. So that covers just about everything in the world.

So as in the case of NVEI it will fly or sink...only time will tell...