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01/25/06 5:06 PM

#223 RE: sufskeptic #222

suf_skeptic, the TOT ageement consists of Total providing 2 barrels each of 4 different grades of oil and paying for the shipping of the oil to SUF's test facility in Nevada.

Sinclair Oil was unable to replicate the results SUF provided so they terminated the agreement and their plans to take a 10% equity stake in the company. See:

Please read this....

The matter is still winding its way through the Nevada courts:

It's don't think its unreasonable to ask if CVX didn't walk from SUF for the same reason Sinlclair Oil did. SUF said they were "unable to come to commercial terms" with CVX. This statement can be construed in different ways and it brings to mind the Sinclair Oil letter.

I don't blame you for being skeptical of SUF. The pieces just don't add up the way the pumpers want you to believe. I'm going to be labeled a "basher" for saying this but I don't care. I will not change my opinion about this company until management provides obective test data from an independent third party to verify the sonocracker process works as claimed or that it's commercially viable.

I would not buy SUF stock until the company has sustainable revenues based upon a proven process. I don't buy hype and so far that's all I've been shown.
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#224 RE: sufskeptic #222


For someone with no position in the stock, you certainly spend a great deal of time researching this company, questioning other posters, questioning the technology and ostensibly claim to be here to help others from losing any money.Why not spend half the time you do on SUF and use it to invest in another company more worthy of your investment? You might make more money than those stooges pay you for your "intelligent basher" posts.

Who do you think you are kidding?

NO position? No ulterior motive?

Keep posting partial facts mixed with innuendo and trying to create doubt. It is very becoming, shortstuff!

Oh, by the way, if you really wish you had bought at $3 and sold at $18, you still have essentially the same opportunity. Do some research on the call options. I am already in the green with them!

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#226 RE: sufskeptic #222

SUFSKEPTIC, Better still...

Here is a novel idea for you to make money.

Buy puts on this stock if you are so sure of yourself that it is going to tank from here. If it is destined to fall to pennies because it is all a scam, you will make out like a bandit.

If you have any doubts, buy the puts AND the calls. One thing is for sure. We are NOT going to stay in the $7's for the next 6 months, agree?

If you think it's going higher, buy the calls. Easy money if this stock ends up running into triple digits.

Take a gamble. You don't need to invest a lot to make a lot on this stock, and buying a straddle option position in the September expiration dates will surely give you over that 500% gain you are lamenting about missing from $3-$18.

Funny though how you came out of the woodwork AFTER the Barron's article. For someone with such a great investigative eye with all the research you have done, why didn't you warn everyone BEFORE the Barron's article? Did you do all of your due diligence this weekend only? Not.....