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11/14/13 9:51 PM

#150318 RE: KINGMADE #150298

Sounds good to me and might very well be true. I think this stock will rise until there is a rejection of the offer then it will dip pretty hard, followed by the best news of all will come out that the fhfa is releasing the newly reformed gse's once and for all.

At least that's how I see it happening at the moment.
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11/14/13 10:17 PM

#150331 RE: KINGMADE #150298

nice read:

Berkowitz & Associates have preemptively thwarted robbing of F&F.

By making an offer to buy just the insurance part of F&F for $50B, Berkowitz & Associates have proved the existence of a significant value in F&F equity. This challenges the short-sellers and their allied politicians/experts/lobbyists who had been spreading misinformation about worthlessness of F&F equity and pursuing for winding down of F&F to loot F&F stakeholders including taxpayers.

The short-sellers were counting that they did not have to cover their short interest on F&F equity as their allied lawmakers/experts/lobbyists pursued for winding down of F&F. They had almost succeeded with President Obama chiming along and their top expert rising to head the Federal Reserve.

But, alas!, President Obama and Democrats realized that the 100% F&F Profit Sweep Agreement foisted by these short-sellers and their experts/lobbyists amounted to a massive transfer of wealth from borrowers to the Treasury amounting to an effective reduction in taxes of the wealthy. In addition, the winding down of F&F would impose an enormously high interest burden on the borrowers. The President and Democratic leaders had to make a U-turn as they saw huge F&F profits.

The offer of Berkowitz & Associates has preemptively thwarted robbing of F&F stakeholders by the short-sellers and their allied lawmakers/experts/lobbyists. It will galvanize President Obama and Treasury to muzzle any remaining murmur for F&F wind-down, then void the illegitimate Profit Sweep Agreement, and release F&F from Conservatorship. President Obama and Democrats will not agree to sell any part of F&F equity. They would rather have F&F facilitate private investment in GSE debt. This will effectively serve the goal of Berkowitz & Associates and financially destroy those who had schemed to rob F&F and their stakeholders (including taxpayers
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11/14/13 10:19 PM

#150334 RE: KINGMADE #150298

They must have planned this for some time, and obviously been sucking up all the cheap shares they could get their hands on!

they knew all too well how easy it ran to $5 last time, they are not stupid, they know what they are doing, "WE" are just along for the ride to pick up crumbs that fall off their table

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11/14/13 10:34 PM

#150341 RE: KINGMADE #150298

We gonna have a good week!!!! All this good news!
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11/14/13 11:40 PM

#150368 RE: KINGMADE #150298

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11/14/13 11:49 PM

#150378 RE: KINGMADE #150298

That's what I'm sayin'!!! MFNN Geniuses!!!