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11/14/13 7:56 PM

#249563 RE: Golfgod #249561

source: previously posted by a person who ran the juice in their lawnmower

PS: easy to google this, you're welcome.......


PS: As always, no heads up - shareholders win - traders lose.
January 24 at 9:47pm

John Bordynuik on Facebook Grouped by Topic

Protecting Shareholders

John Bordynuik Hi Tom. I always accept hard questions. I don't mind receiving them from shareholders and I have thick skin. We don't follow the norm but our BP is working. It is very challenging rapidly growing a public company. Many people have advised me they have their life savings in this company and I am responsible for that investment. I take my job very seriously and so does our staff. They are shareholders too. Don't be afraid to ask hard questions. I may not be able to answer them if it's probing for an answer to something not already in the public domain. I hope I answered your question.
10 hours ago
March 24

JBII is Debt Free

John Bordynuik JBI - Debt Free - Javaco & PakIt Debt, LOC's, L/C, and all loans paid in full. News crossed the wire.
JBI, Inc. is Debt-Free (OTCBB:JBII)
NIAGARA FALLS, Ontario, Jan. 6, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- JBI, Inc. (the "Company") (OTCBB:JBII) announces that the Company has paid all corporate debt, including accrued interest prior to its December 31, 2009, year-end in furtherance of its growth strategies. ...
January 6 at 9:31am

The AGM (Shareholders Meeting) on March 24, 2010

We just started. Wait till you see the P2O site -- bring your calculator and a chemist (if you like). As always, no heads up - shareholders win - traders lose.
January 24 at 9:47pm

John Bordynuik JBII: We are scheduling tours of the P2O factory on Sunday April 25, 2010. We will not be scheduling tours of the fuel and blending site because it is approx. 30 minutes away from the P2O factory and it will take about 3 months to get permits to install P2O processors. Any shareholders wishing to tour the blending & distribution site can arrange to do so this summer when we have machines installed there.
March 8 at 8:18pm

Africa Conference

John Bordynuik Incredible day at the conference. Many government officials are here (Congo, Nigeria, Angola, Egypt, Ecuador, Gabon, etc… . I will now be presenting Data Migration and P2O – not limited to 15 minutes. A reporter interviewed me today for P2O -- the focus of the story is to reduce the plastic garbage problem in Africa.
Yesterday at 11:25am

John Bordynuik They advised me that they had not found a viable plastic to oil solution. I was advised that plastic is a massive problem and there has been no solution to date. Marine P2O appears to be the best way to best service them.
Yesterday at 11:26am

Plastic to be Targeted by JBII

John Bordynuik Well, less than 10% of all plastic in the US is recycled. The EPA states: "While overall recovery of plastics for recycling is relatively small—2.1 million tons, or 6.8 percent of plastics generation in 2008" so we have a lot of plastic available.
March 15 at 2:24pm

John Bordynuik Jon: We are limiting junk going into the processor so that it needs fewer cleanout cycles. We will be receiving plastic and I have received bails from several sources and it is plastic without junk.
March 15 at 9:13am

John Bordynuik The industrial stream is much larger. We have no lack of plastic. It comes down to permitting, building, site plans, We will be processing the low hanging fruit first as there is so much of it.
March 15 at 9:43am

John Bordynuik Lockup of plastic is simple: pay me less for 10 years or continue to pay $80/ton and continue to lose money and you're not green. Very simple. As no one else can convert it, I will not allow a market to be created.
December 13, 2009 at 9:10pm

Quality of the Fuel Produced by the JBII Processor

John Bordynuik JBII: Answers to a few questions: 1) Our fuel can be sold to a refinery. We looked into that last year and I expect many of the JV's will go this route at first. See below for more detail (we need a FAQ) 2) The fuel blending site does NOT need any clean up. I`ll try to set up a small fuel FAQ in notes this week.
March 14 at 11:36pm

Plastic to Oil Conversion Rates

Jeff Good. Leaves me looking for the industrial waste stream flow rate... Always good to have more homework. Also raises a new question. I read this as 15 million tons of stuff go into the processor and XX% of it is plastic. A conversion rate (pints per pound or liters per kilo) is then XX * YY where I have assumed YY is 75% in my conservative markdown of the guidance given. Is this how I should read that?
March 15 at 8:40am

John Bordynuik Jeff (assumed YY is 75%): That is very conservative. On the last run we got 90.47% fuel (derived from industrial plastics).
March 15 at 9:11am

John Bordynuik Jeff: (your first message). 1) A reasonable plastic estimate for industrial and municipal plastic waste is that 70,000 people create enough plastic to support one processor. 2) Your math does not look right. We will not saturate at 1000 processors. Even 2500 JV's won't make much of a dent in it. Processors will process 20 tons/day (conservative). We cut this in half for our internal use. There will be two processors per site. So conservatively, with one processor running (implying one out of two) we will do 109 barrels/day/site.
March 15 at 9:24am

Jeff John, OK. I had assumed 6 2 hour cycles a day at 15 tons per cycle. Obviously some shareholders string together all of the "best case" comments and build unrealistic expectations. At 20 tons/day just the MWS 30 million tons a year support a fraction of 8200 machines at saturation. I assume industrial stream is larger?
March 15 at 9:39am

John Bordynuik Jeff ( all of the "best case" ) -- I don't think so. At 40,000 barrels/year per processor being conservative... the numbers are quite staggering. That is why we are "all in" with P2O.
March 15 at 9:47am

John Bordynuik Well, in a perfect world we'd have a half dozen P2O processors permitted at our blending site so that we can make fuels for direct customer sales. I am excited about this site because it was not simply used just for distribution. It was used to blend gasoline and many other fuels and has a lab to self test and certify the fuel. Timing of full operation this site will depend on how quickly we can obtain permits to install P2O processors.
March 8 at 10:55pm

Aaron John~You said 40k barrels/year/processor, and that each processor should produce 109 barrels/day. Does this mean each processor should run everyday?

If I were to make some guesstimates, do you a problem in these next calculations?

40,000 barrels/year/processor...
80,000 barrels/year/site

Based on $73 WTI, receiving $70 from refineries, and cost to produce is $10.

Wholly Owned Sites:
$4,800,000 Gross
$3,120,000 After taxes(35%)

90/10 JV Sites:
$4,320,000 Gross
$2,808,000 After taxes

65/35 JV Sites:
$3,120,000 Gross
$2,028,00 After taxes
March 16 at 12:23am

John Bordynuik Hello Aaron, We use 1 processor operating to be conservative. If both processors aren't running then the JV and JBII will be very unhappy. Cleanout and maintenance is minimal -- it is a continuous processor. For cleanout the reactor will reverse (which will cause anything in the reactor to leave into a separate tank) and then continue processing with no cool down.
March 17 at 4:31pm

Uplisting to a Larger Exchange

John Bordynuik Answers to uplist: We meet the quantitative requirements to list on both the NASDAQ and AMEX and we are proceeding with the application process. Part of the process is the Senior Exchanges will do qualitative checks on the company: BOD backgrounds, audit committees, etc.. And yes, the NASDAQ contacted me.
January 22 at 12:45pm

John Bordynuik On Friday I was contacted by the Managing Director of the NASDAQ to list. I advised them that I was meeting with the AMEX to seek an accelerated listing. I advised both exchanges that our company does not belong on the OTC and needs to list on a major exchange soon to facilitate larger transactions for P2O. I am partial to the AMEX because we chose a single specialist and it appears to be less volatile.
January 10 at 5:29pm

The Pacific Garbage Patch

John Bordynuik I had a cc with Rick Heddle , Moneyhan, Scott (p2o) at noon about marine P2O and I have an idea... A well known non profit would like to charter a ship and our captain to go to the pacific garbage patch with a documentary crew and collect large samples of plastic for research. We would bring a P2O processor and analysis equipment to test. They are fully financed so there is no cost to the us (at this time). We are focused on P2O (for profit) but situations like this clearly benefit the company, shareholders and the environment. Would you have time to create a t-shirt for the PGP and our work collectively (non profit & us)? I see it as a way for them to raise more capital and create awareness.
March 11 at 3:12pm

John Bordynuik It's no problem in working this out.. it's just with who and when. Rick Heddle is firmly committed and so is Mike. We want to time our efforts in the PGP in such a way to maximize success with the right 3rd parties.
March 11 at 3:39pm

John Bordynuik We are well aware of many patches. Mike Moneyhan has sailed through a few of them in the Caribbean. The Pacific garbage patch offers plastic as deep as 20-30' and it is growing. I wish to emphasize that P2O ships are for supporting International P2O conversion and trade, not the garbage patch. A separate ship would be retrofitted for the garbage patch due to feedstock acquisition (ie: shredded and loaded from a port vs. a mix of junk of varying sizes with salt water from the ocean).
March 12 at 8:53am

Judith Question - In order to convert the plastic from the PGP - do you have to dry it out somewhat to avoid problems during the process?
March 12 at 7:39pm

John Bordynuik Well, water entering the reactor would cause it to use more energy. We will know more when we are there. The trip is to gather information and test what we have. We know some of the variables so I am planning for a productive trip.
March 13 at 2:16pm

Share Structure

John Bordynuik
JBII: 9 months in review: On April 23, 2009, The company had 63.7M issued shares, no revenue, no cash, no assets, and no operations. Today the company has 46M issued and outstanding shares, $3.7M in cash, significant revenues and growing, several operating wholly owned subsidiaries and is fully financed for P2O. All debt-free.
January 24 at 9:42pm • Comment • Like
21 people like this.

John Bordynuik You're witnessing something rare: a company's stock trading without a biased analyst BS'ing you and no stock promoters taking advantage of thousands of people. The company has no free trading shares to sell - its up to our shareholders to spread the word. Our trading pattern isn't odd.. it's what the market would look like without promoters, paid analysts or funds selling their stock to a song and dance.
December 1, 2009 at 12:45pm

Investment in JBII by Funds and Other Financing Questions
John Bordynuik I have been approached to allow funds to equity invest in large blocks ($100M+) to roll out sites (stock price must be significantly higher). They like this because all revenue stays within company, we like it because of above. Massive land rush would require $2.5B of fund equity, all agree this must be a massive concurrent implementation.
December 13, 2009 at 9:04pm

Promoting JBII to Investors

John Bordynuik I certainly want to clear the air about one question. We did not and DO NOT hire stock promoters. Our stock now has the interest and investment from institutional funds, not retail. That is where this activity is coming from. No stock promoters, just good old fashioned Funds. They couldn't get in before and now we control our business model unlike most other public companies.
December 10, 2009 at 5:54p

Questions About the PIPE

John Bordynuik As you can see from the Form D and the 8k filed that we successfully completed a PIPE raise with a full payout of debt and we have in excess of $3.7M in cash to fullfill our business plan. There was such a demand for the PIPE that some of the debt was converted by a Fund outside the PIPE. This allowed us to have extra cash to grow the business faster.
January 22 at 3:31pm

John Bordynuik Qustions coming in: In the US, a maximum of 35 non accredited investors are allowed to invest in a Reg 506D private placement. This applies only to US citizens. Investors who are not US citizens, living outside the US, do not fall under 506D limitations. Last week Bank of Montreal's compliance dept. allowed their IA's to participate in the stock.
December 20, 2009 at 11:51pm • Comment • Like

Steve Melakathu approx how many shares have been issued for reg 506d and how much money was raised thus far
December 21, 2009 at 12:11am

John Bordynuik I am not allowed to comment on the PIPE. I can state (as stated in the PR) that shareholders have not been diluted as a result of financing. As well, I am not allowed to change the price of stock once it is drafted and distributed in a private placement memorandum
December 21, 2009 at 12:14am

John Bordynuik While I can't comment on it, I will never deal with a PP again. A lot of time and energy (even amongst family). I am happy that we did not have VC or AI in the stock so friends and business could participate. Institutions/Funds only in the future now.
December 21, 2009 at 12:25am

Using Facebook for Communicating with Shareholders

John Bordynuik Answer questions about my use of Facebook: Facebook is a great way for shareholders to communicate with me. I can address a time consuming issue (vs. emails) in seconds. I am lucky if I spend 20-30 minutes/day on Facebook. I do stay connected to it as some people communicate with me over Facebook chat/mail instead of Skype. I am so busy I have absolutely no time to play the apps on it or surf it - my kids do though.
January 18 at 10:15am

Shorting of JBII Shares

John Bordynuik Jim, JBII can and is being shorted. It was short sold at $0.16. Canada allows the short selling of OTCBB stocks. I know this because I have a margin account and am able to short penny stocks. uplisting will assist because naked short selling will be exceptionally difficult on the AMEX and the NYSE will be on top of any shorting. Click on short interest:
January 4 at 10:04am

Steve can you comment on the number of short shares? and has any person or company approached JBI to resolve this issue?
December 21, 2009 at 9:27am

John Bordynuik With an uplist the short issues go away. I can say I have learned a heck of a lot in this process. On this exchange, market makers (i have been advised) will sell the stock if they think the company is a scam and then cover it weeks later when the P&D is done. I was advised that a MM thought the NASA, etc.. was too good to be true and shorted (summer last year). They obviously didn't bother to check NASA's website. You can probably figure out which MM had to cover last week... I can't verify the absolute truth of this and non of this information came to me because I am an insider so I don't mind posting it. In the next week, IMO, I believe the 100 share seller is that MM. I'll request DTC logs and check things out.
December 21, 2009 at 9:48am

Keepon Rockinme John I certainly would not want to be short this stock ,given the explosive nature of near term events/ catalysts. Certainly uplisting will generate more exposure.
December 21, 2009 at 10:02am

John Bordynuik Well, some broker will be out of a job in NJ.
December 21, 2009 at 10:07am

Questions about Tom Kidd and Domark

John Bordynuik Domark: We have nothing to do with Domark. Tom Kidd is a shareholder because he took JBII stock from the shareholders of Domark - a claim they may have against him. We cannot control share ownership. No employees of Domark work at JBII. I would not allow it. As far as Kidd goes -- if he does have any stock left (private sales) -- he must hold for 12 months. I need some time with my kids.
January 23 at 3:14pm