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11/14/13 9:14 AM

#249399 RE: BeerIsGood #249398

If corn growers were THROWING OUT their corn, and paying to do so, they would consider buying an ethanol plant although I'm not too sure how many corn growers are involved in Greenwashing campaigns.

Plastic waste is a hot issue. There are companies that pay a premium for recycled plastic over virgin plastic just so that they can brag they are saving the environment. One of the major soft drink companies is bragging about making bottles partially out of plastic from plants -- and paying through the nose to do it.

And, yes, you brought up another issue. They could buy the processor as part of a partnership to perfect it further. We do know they make awesome fuel at extremely low cost to operate and for up to 42 days at a time. Need to figure out better and better feed rates. Sometimes buyers of alternative technology do so and try to perfect it. See Waste Management's investment and purchase of dozens of unprofitable alternative energy equipment processes including Agilyx's for $13 million was it? Then again, Waste Management is one of the many many many greenwashing companies who spent $90 million in media alone bragging about how green they are. Is that profitable to spend $90 million on advertising? Yes, if all you are doing it for is image.