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Flat Foot

11/12/13 11:21 PM

#93719 RE: buccaneer1961 #93718

GTGP - The idiot had years to do the required financial filings. He chose to ignore his reporting requirements. He did the same damn thing with his last public shell. He ignored the reporting requirements and the shell eventually got revoked. The only reason to avoid giving the required disclosure and hiding financial information from the investors is if the financial information being shared by the company in private and in press releases and on websites is false. You don't avoid your reporting requirements unless you are trying to hide the truth from the investors and the SEC.

Last year I made posts about GTGP warning investors that GTGP was a time bomb waiting to explode. That by avoiding the reporting requirements it was only a matter of time before GTGP got suspended. Lots of people made those same warnings.

There are rules in place. James Fallacaro chose to ignore those rules. This wasn't the first time he chose to ignore those rules. History often repeats itself in penny land. What happened with GTGP is no exception. It happened with Falcon Entertainment Corp, and James Fallacaro did absolutely nothing different the second time around.

I feel very badly for the people that lost big with GTGP. The lessons learned are simple.

1) Always take profits if you are going to trade this crap
2) Always be skeptical of everything a company says in press releases
3) If a company intentionally hides material information by not doing their required SEC filings or by hiding on the OTC that is a huge red flag

It boggled my mind why anybody would want to invest in a company that refused to confirm anything they said to their investors by putting it in SEC filings.

The only person investors should be mad at is James Fallacaro. It wouldn't have taken that much money to file the required financial statements. Obviously the guy intentionally chose to not file and there is no good reason for him to have not filed unless he was doing something dirty with the shell that he wanted to hide from investors. And if he was doing something illegal, I hope the SEC investigates and punishes him for the illegal actions by not allowing him to control any more publicly traded shells because GTGP has already proven that no matter how many times somebody makes a mockery of the system and kills a shell by not doing the required filings penny stock traders will still hand that person over their money.

I hope after already being burned by James Fallacaro once, GTGP shareholders are not stupid enough to believe any promises coming from James Fallacaro about getting GTGP off the grey sheets. It will never come off the grey sheets. All we can hope for at this point is that James Fallacaro will never have the opportunity to con investors ever again.