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11/13/13 12:06 AM

#213372 RE: PegnVA #213368

"Ouch!" .. rotflmao! .. perfect for this one i was figuring what to put to .. ooi,
Peg, can you see anything uncivil, disruptive, insulting or untrue in this post?

Gulfbreeze, GOP kills jobs bill despite majority support

By Steve Benen October 12, 2011 8:00 AM

"I am keeping very busy trying to stay alive while our Corporatist President whom you so loves tries to kill us..."

.. "tries to kill us" is obviously emotive TeaParty style bunkum .. it's irrational ..

There were no doubts about the eventual outcome of the Senate fight over the American Jobs Act. Democrats would have needed at least seven Republicans who were willing to let members vote on the legislation, and the actual number was zero. The overall result was a foregone conclusion.

What mattered, though, was the margin and the roll call. And last night, the White House and Democratic senators reached their target.

President Obama’s $447 billion jobs plan foundered in the Senate on Tuesday night, as a unified Republican caucus and a pair of Democrats joined to deny the proposal the 60 votes needed to allow it to proceed to full consideration.

Obama will now use Republican opposition as part of a campaign to paint the GOP as obstructionists blocking his efforts to improve the economy while offering no alternative to create jobs.

After the vote, President Obama said in a statement, “Tonight, a majority of United States Senators voted to advance the American Jobs Act. But even though this bill contains the kind of proposals Republicans have supported in the past, their party obstructed the Senate from moving forward on this jobs bill.”

That’s true, and it’s exactly the point the White House wanted to be able to make. Yesterday, there were reports that several members of the Senate Democratic caucus — Ben Nelson, Joe Manchin, Joe Lieberman, Jim Webb, Jeanne Shaheen, and Jon Tester — would either vote with Republicans or fail to vote at all. The result would have been a political loss as well as a legislative one — Republicans would have been able to argue, accurately, that a majority of the Senate rejected the president’s jobs bill.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) deserves a lot of credit for making sure that didn’t happen. In the end, the American Jobs Act got 51 votes, and only two Dems — Nebraska’s Ben Nelson and Montana’s Jon Tester — sided with Republicans. (The official final tally was 50 to 49, but that’s only because Reid had to switch his vote for procedural reasons.)

Ultimately, this became a fight over which side would be able to make its argument, and to that extent, Dems got what they wanted. For all the talk in the media about last night representing a tough “loss” for the White House, it would seem that’s not the most significant realization this morning.

What matters most is that Senate Republicans, in the midst of a jobs crisis and intense public demand for congressional action, killed a credible jobs bill for no apparent reason. Most Americans support the American Jobs Act’s provisions; it enjoys strong support from economists; it includes ideas from both parties; and the CBO found it will even lower the deficit over the next decade.

And despite all of this, literally every Republican in the Senate — including the alleged “moderates” — not only rejected the popular jobs bill, they refused to even let the chamber vote on it at all. That should be the front-page story nationwide this morning.

So, what’s next? The jobs fight will continue, and Dems already have a plan for the next phase. More on that later this morning.
Steve Benen is a contributing writer to the Washington Monthly, joining the publication in August, 2008 as chief blogger for the Washington Monthly blog, Political Animal.

===== .. that 2011 .. then late again in 2012 ..

September 20, 2012 07:00 AM

GOP Kills Veterans Jobs Bill, Grants Themselves a Vacation

Considering the negative effect on US economic recovery of depressed activity in Europe and other places,
GOP obstructionism , GOP debt ceiling to sequester and reckless Cruz shutdown cost .. you can not
deny that, filibuster records et al .. it seems clear from this one from TRADING ECONOMICS ..

United States GDP Growth Rate

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United States expanded at an annual rate of 2.80 percent in the third quarter of 2013 over the previous quarter. GDP Growth Rate in the United States is reported by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. GDP Growth Rate in the United States averaged 3.23 Percent from 1947 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 17.20 Percent in the first quarter of 1958 and a record low of -10.40 Percent in the first quarter of 1958. The United States has one of the most diversified and most technologically advanced economies in the world. Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, leasing, health care, social assistance, professional, business and educational services account for more than 40 percent of GDP. Retail and wholesale trade creates another 12 percent of the wealth. The government related services fuel 13 percent of GDP. Utilities, transportation and warehousing and information account for 10 percent of the GDP. Manufacturing, mining, and construction constitute 17 percent of the output. Agriculture accounts for only 1.5 percent of the GDP, yet due to use of advance technologies, the United States is a net exporter of food. This page contains - United States GDP Growth Rate - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. 2013-11-13

I reckon big picture evidence indicates, Obama is doing ok .. yet while Bush led us into
the '07-'08 financial crash .. yet Obama's 2nd tern performance follows the same trajectory
as Shrub's did .. ..
as that of the Pew Research Center for People & the Press shows .. to me that
suggests public ratings are influenced by lack of informed opinion.

.. lol .. i honestly can't see anything at all to warrant a delete in it, or in this one which was was also
trashed there .. .. .. sigh,
banned yet again from one of THOSE boards .. no, not proud of it, it's just weird .. we the two only there now .. lmao!

I just didn't want the time and effort put into them, nor the information, totally wasted.