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11/11/13 6:25 PM

#26760 RE: Prudent Capitalist #26759

Current management took over January 1, 2013. Old management was not responsible for the filings between then and 6/30/13, but was there to support the transition. Make sure to check the facts before releasing information.

Referring to the increase in revenue is exactly why old management did the merger in the first place...because it was good for shareholders. That is not the move of a bad CEO it is the move of a CEO with the shareholders best interest in mind.

A trip to New York is show the results of that trip and lets continue to discuss what VRTY is doing now not what may or may not have transpired in the past. Shareholders would prefer to see news releases from the company and communications like you see with other good companies. We have yet to see the transparency one would expect from the new management. Getting second hand information from posters on this board is unreliable at best. We shareholders expect results not conjecture and uninformed information about the past.

Mr. Smith

11/11/13 7:17 PM

#26761 RE: Prudent Capitalist #26759

I actually have a friend the had his photo taken on the floor. Very simple~