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11/11/13 2:48 PM

#76409 RE: daBoze #76403

The problem of supporting an increasingly larger proportion of aging population is offset by better health at mover advanced ages IF (and ONLY if) a 'civilization' does not negate the advances in health due to better vaccinations, treatments and control of diseases by inflicting lifelong cumulative damage to health by environmental pollution, outrageously ill advised and inappropriate changes in the food supply system (only NOW after more than SEVENTY YEARS is the FDA going to ban trans fatty acids caused by hydrogenation of fats and oils!) EVERYTHING is connected and affected by and affects EVERYTHING else in some way, whether direct or indirect.

Smallpox was a result of farming that brought humans in close proximity to cattle (humans and animals were in some cultures housed in the same building even). The recently emerging highly virulent influezas are a direct result of agricultural production and marketing practices (especially the domestication of ducks for whom,unlike chickens, the influenza viruses are not pathogenic, exacerbated by raising them in close proximity to chickens and then hugely exacerbated by the development of huge live animal markets. [it was the shutdown of the animal markets that saved us from H5N1]

Ultimately the only long term solution is to profoundly alter those practices (and all of the rest of "factory farming" which essentially does massive damage to the public's health costing far more than the money saved by the practices. That they are very incorrectly considered "efficient" and "low cost" is only because current totally inadequate accounting and economics only counts the costs of production and marketing and does not quantify and subtract the costs to public health (applies to all of the rest of our economic so called "system" as well).

Our current economic system is pathologically and fatally inefficient (it's inefficiency is literally killing our civilization!) It only APPEARS to be efficient because the very real costs of damage to the general public is not accounted for (the source of all "modern" diseases in one way or another, the cost of which are destroying our economy) nor are the very real costs of damage to the environment (which causes massive losses in agriculture, human health (again), and much else.

Nanoviricides are a potential very essential tool to adapting to a SUSTAINABLE solution in the long term - which will take many years and a lot of adjustment. But to implement the short term solutions like nanoviricides in the most effective manner for the transition to sustainability it is necessary to understand what the ROOT CAUSE of the problem is (a grossly deficient accounting system*) and what the ultimate goal must be.

As long as entrenched economic interests continue to control the debate (and ensure that alternative views are grossly misrepresented in the media or just entirely absent from the debate** the "solutions" we keep coming up with will only exacerbate the problems. **[how many have heard about the RUNAWAY greenhouse effect? Taking about the greenhouse effect without mention of the word "runaway" is like talking about fires and refusing to make any note of damage due to heat!]

"We have met the enemy and he is us!" Walt Kelly
(right on SO many levels!)

When you are at the top of the food chain, you are the source of your most serious problems. The good part is that you have the ability to do something about it IF and ONLY if you are willing to accept responsibilty.


11/11/13 3:02 PM

#76410 RE: daBoze #76403


Maybe FLUCIDE will allow more births to live through the FLU.
