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11/09/13 3:21 PM

#169721 RE: Praveen #169707

I would prefer nivo in combo with yervoy.

Note that chances are not very high that your friend is ALK+ (is he a nonsmoker?), EGFR mutations are more prevalent and so you might need to consider starting him on another agent if enrolling into a nivo trial takes too long.

NVS' LDK378 has also shown activity in patients with brain mets and very high ORR regardless of whether or not patients had been on Xalkori.
Ariad' 113 looks more active in brain mets and better tolerated but still I wouldn't prefer any 2nd gen ALK inhibitor (and that of course goes for PF-06463922 as well), which available data are small, safety profile and duration of response are unclear, over Xalkori (unless as I've posted before, there are brain mets, then 113 would be my choice).